This is for all people who LOVE Star Wars!! I have always been a fan of Star Wars, even when I was younger I used to collect the figures etc., now I collect anything to do with it! I have all the books, the three films, I have loads of figures aswell as t-shirts, mugs, keyrings and much more. I hope you all went to see the Special Editions when they were on at the cinema! Star Wars Rules!

The best people in the Star Wars Trilogy have to be Boba Fett and Han Solo! Boba Fett ROCKS! I'm told that the Special Edition films goes on sale on the 26th August of this year in both widescreen and normal versions, so if you missed them at the cinema, GET THEM ON VIDEO!!!

The latest thing which I have discovered is a role playing game which is played in REAL TIME - The Star Wars Siege of Darkness Sim. What happens is you choose which side you want to join (the New Rebellion or the 2nd Galactic Empire) and you are givin a ship, rank etc. From then on you can "post" orders for your ship (eg enter hyperspace, deploy fighters etc.) I think it's at the rate of one post every 6 hours (REAL TIME) at the most, but don't quote me on that! There are many others in the sim to help you if you have any queries, doubts or questions. A FULL set of the rules, ship stats etc. is available here in Microsoft Word 7.0 format.

Now there is a fairly new site, which is another Star War Sim. This one is called The Star Wars Universal Sim and it is played in much the same way as the Star Wars Sieg of Darkness Sim. From personal experience however, the people running this sim are much more helpful and willing to answer any questions you might have. If you're interested, either follow the above link (to The Star Wars Univeral Sim) or e-mail M.J. Hartman. Similarly, if you have any questions, e-mail M.J. Hartman. Convienently however, the rules are the same!

You are visitor since 11th August 1997


Pictures :

Get some cool sounds here :

Boba Fett

Darth Vader

Emperor Palpatine

Han Solo

Luke Skywalker

Obi-wan Kenobi

Get four cool R2 - D2 sounds here!


Aswell as all the sounds and pictures, there are of course the computer games by LucasArts, X-Wing, Tie-Fighter, X-Wing SE, and their latest one, X-Wing VS Tie-Fighter. If you have these games and want cheats, or you would like demos of these games, then feel free to visit a really cool site when it comes to game demos, cheats etc.

Great Star Wars Links :

Please note that most (not all) of the sounds are from Chad Bender because I don't have the space to put all of my own on this site.

This site is very new, so there may be a couple of bugs (ie links which don't work etc.). If you have any problems with any of the links or would like to see anything on this page which is not on this page at present, please e-mail me!

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© Warzie 1997