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source: John Pederson <>

Trode Sets

House Rules

"The deck connects to its user either via an electorde net that slips over the head (the way of cowards)..."
SR2, pg 162

Well, what of "the coward's way" described in SR2? How well do the trode sets work (or, as the case may be, not work)? How much are they? How common are they?

After some thought on the matter, I thought I might take the time to flesh out such an idea and see what I got. So, without further ado, here we go!

'Trode Set
A trode set is a small web of electrical contacts connected to a datacord which act as an input/output device in place of the datajack often used by heavy Matrix users (deckers, to most of you out there). Trode sets are often used by children, folks with bio-rejection syndrome, and people who simply have no desire to go under the knife (mage-boys of the 'Trix, unite!)
Concealability 5 Weight .25
Cost 250¥ Availability 2/48hr
Street Index .5 Legality ????

For all intents and purposes, decking through a set of trodes is like running in Cool ASIST, it's slower, but also a little less dangerous. These things ain't exactly state of the art 'tech, they've almost been around longer than ASIST tech has been.

It should be noted that such a setup is intended to replicate the datajacks from the SRII main rulebook -- not the datajacks from Shadowtech. Trode sets also cannot act as a generic headware interface like a datajack can.

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