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Greetings, this site will be dedicated to the interests of anyone who enjoys fantasy roleplaying games such as Ad&d and Final Fantasy, science fiction, and computers. Interests of mine are science fiction themes and anything that deals with space. These will be further explained when this site is fully constructed. Thank you for your patience, and please send me whatever input you might want me to add.
If you would like to get to know a little about me click below.
This link will bring you to my AD&D page. Currently I have listed a little about the game and my main characters current situation in one of the many campaigns that I have been involved in.
If you like the game of Final Fantasy than click below and go to my page on Final Fantasy. I would like to get more info and and downloadable files so you can enjoy some of the things that have attracted me to playing the Final Fantasy series of games.
Babylon 5 is perhaps the only drama that I could stand to watch. Maybe it had something to do with space. Anyway, thanks to J.M.S., the creator of the babylon 5 series, someone has taken up the idea to make it into a board game. For more info on the game follow the link below.
To access my Heroes of Might and Magic 3 page, click the link below.
Here are some webpages which belong to my friends:
Zemnar's Page
Sprightly1's Home Page
The Cilvabulet Inn
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