A teaching song of the battle-bred for a new foal. Battle-bred are a warrior unicorn caste created to protect the whitelings, or classical European unicorn, from hunters, harm, or other threats. Built on similar lines to draft horses, they are many colors, have long hairs on their legs called feathers, and horns scimitar-curved instead of straight. See the pic of Travesty in my art gallery to get more explanation and see a depiction of battle-bred anthro form. The battle-bred were meant to be partners to the whitelings, but instead, they've been shoved into a slave class, and any small infraction can have heavy consequences including beatings without healing, or simple execution. Forbidden to learn to read or write with strictly controlled exceptions, they have developed instead a rich oral tradition.
Since battle-bred -must- serve whitelings, or fade away into nonexistance, they are indoctrinated from very early in their lives that they live to protect the whitelings, that the whitelings are the greatest creations and they should perish eagerly before allowing one drop of whiteling blood to be shed.

New Eyes

Look yonder little one, look on your first new day.
Soon you'll find your hooves, soon you'll want to play.
Play only for a while, my foal, play only for a time.
Soon it will be yours to learn, foal of a warrior line.

Born of a battle ancient, born of an elder fight.
We are named for that, and this is your birthright.
We are the watchers at the gate, the fighters at the pass.
We the ones who march and defend, ours to snarl and clash.

While we are beasts of war, born to obey and bred to might,
Watch the stately whiteling walk, know that gentle light.
In that beauty and power flows the whole of Gaia's grace.
That is what you live to guard, the eldest unicorn race.

Learn your lessons well, my foal, be fierce as that first sun.
Strike fast and true, no harm allow'd, swiftly hunting run.
Hone your skills and horn, my foal, be constant as the moon,
that shines down to bless your birth, and wanes all too soon.

© 2003 kazanthi@hotmail.com