I have played many role-playing games in my life-time and of them all,
Vampire: the Masquerade has been the most difficult. Goals in the game
are unclear. Every event that unfolds appears to have been manipulated
by a half dozen entities, each with its own agenda. Even when you defeat
an adversary, the victory is often hollow.
Yet, this game shall always be a favorite of mine. It offers more depth, more intensity, and more intrigue than any other game. There will come a time, perhaps lasting only a moment, when your character will know exactly what to do. In that moment, he or she may tear apart an enemy, a house, a city... or perhaps save an innocent... or corrupt one. The action may cost your character's soul and sanity or may redeem them. That moment, when you feel for the briefest of moments what a vampire would feel, is what makes the game worthwhile. |
This site offers roleplaying tips for everyone.
We have also included the combat rules that we use in our chronicle. These rules have some substantial variations from the original rules. The Dark Gathering vampire combat rules reduce the number of times dice are rolled, speeding up game play. Some aspects of combat have been made more survivable, other aspects more deadly. Most importantly, the rules offer a complete set of instructions for combat that are easy to refer to.
Web Design: Michael D. Burnside
Vampire the Masquerade is a registered trademark of White Wolf.