Welcome to the Mad Arab's Lair. This page never has, and most likely never will, have a clear focus (much like the person who put it up). However, it's purpose is clear: to be entertaining. Should you have any suggestions after visiting the Lair, please, let me know by sending them to.....


Booka booka booka booka booka.
Great, now that we've got all those "bookas" out of the way, I guess I can begin. I decided that you should help me come to a conclusion as to which is a superior creature: a chocobo or a llama. To help everyone make a more informed decision, I have included some info on both llamas and chocobos below.
This is Henry by the way. He'll be in charge of counting votes.
Incidentally, Henry was also the one responsible for all those bookas.

The Llama:
Average height- ??? Average weight-??? Spitting distance- 10m
Diet- grass and meatballs (preferably served in a white wine sauce)
Other comments: Llamas are a noble race of creatures known for their proficiency
at swimming. They have even been known to enter the frigid waters of the Arctic to
save drowning penguins. Llamas come in an assortment of flavors and colors.

The Chocobo:
Average height- 6 feet Average weight- 190 lbs Average velocity- Really fast
Diet- Greens of various kinds Favorite recording artist- Bob Dylan
Other comments: Chocobos are extremely friendly and have assisted travelers in times of
need by allowing them to ride on their backs. Unlike llamas, chocobos do not have facial hair.

Well, this is Bill's button. That doesn't mean you can't press it if you're not Bill,
it just means that you shouldn't assume that if you do push it, that you are Bill. I'll make this button more spectacular later. (Well, as spectacular as a button can be anyway.)


Here's a link to the Tufts University web page, because I want it to be here, so there.
Tufts University  
Zoot Alors! You are the     person to visit the lair since 12/3/97