
This page mainly will be devoted to a boardgame that I've been designing for a long time (... in a galaxy far far away). The game simulates battle between star armadas in a deep-space far-future setting.

Graviton has both strategic and tactical elements, but there are no random rolls of the dice (... and no reams of charts and tables to consult, either).

2, 3, 4, or 6 people can play. 5 can also play, but it's not recommended due to the shape of the game board. You can design your own star armadas, or go with pre-built ones. Battles last from 20 minutes to a couple of hours. (Usually, the more players, the more time it takes to finish a game.)

The deep-space battles can follow a specific scenario, or can be a part of an ongoing empires campaign. Scenarios might involve special objectives, or be a simple game of annihilation. In any of these forms, the space combat can be a plug-in for an RPG (role-playing game), or can stand on its own.

I plan to market this game using the shareware concept. The rules will be freely available, along with simple instructions to build a game board and playing pieces. Once people try the game and like it, they can order a professionally boxed version at a reasonable cost. The 'share-game' rules will be fully copywritten. People will be encouraged to distribute them to others, so long as no fee is charged, and the rules remain unmodified.

This Web Page may serve as a download site for the game rules, as a point of contact for those wishing to order the boxed version, and as a forum for all matters Graviton-related. Geocities would have to agree, since they are generously hosting my page.

On a personal note, my principal hobby interests are: boardgames, wargames, chess, math puzzles, and social/political philosophy.

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