>Sydney, Australia... > > Out of the shadows, brown eyes flashed and glanced around. >Quickly, Azel strode down the sidewalk, searching for the fastest >way to the airport. Her brown eyes flashed again as the light from >the fading sun caught them. > *Only an hour till sunset. Even riding my Ponyta, that journey >took a while. I need to catch a flight soon. And more importantly, >I need to think.* > Azel was weary, tired, hungry, and just simply confused. It had >been hours since she had eaten, and even longer since she had been >out of the sun. > *Man, I hope I don't get dehydrated... First thing first, I need >to catch a flight. And then think. Or maybe sleep, then think. >Whatever works is fine with me.* > Azel shivered as the hot humid wind snapped down the street. The >tall buildings of gray stone cast shadows down upon the cracked >sidewalk. In the distance, the international airport loomed, the >last safe haven. Pedestrians dirmaced at the heat as cars sped by. > *I used to love this place... I still do. What happened? Did >over the years, this city loose it's charm? Or is it just me...* > Azel's mind wandered to the past, and the recent incident that >just occurred. > *All those times... I never stood up for myself. How could I, I >used to think, they're are so many of them. My family was so big, I >was always the minority, the oddball, the one who couldn't see the >wisdom of the family. Even if half the time I was right... I >should never have given in. I should never had let them run my >life. I should never have run away from the problem... > But isn't that what I'm doing once again? Running away from the >problem? Not facing up? No... I can't run anymore. I need to >stand. But it will be in the place of my choosing. And right now, >I choose to go and become good at my profession, to become valued >for what I do, to run my life my own way in a different place. >Maybe then, the city will regain its charm.* > Azel's mind having run in a complete circle returned to the >thought of were she was going just as she tripped. Sighing, Azel >regained balance, picked up her luggage, and looked up, only to find >the international airport doors right in front of her nose. She >quickly moved to get in line for a ticket. > Voices flitted past her as Azel became slightly woozy. > "...yes, it's true. Europe's nice this time of year and..." > "...not so! Nerima is in Japan! Not Russia..." > "..and the castles in France are fantastic, but not to..." > "No doubt you would think that. You're a stubborn, ignorant..." > "...And what I wouldn't give to see those pyramids, she said..." > "...it's Tokyo. The contest starts soon, or maybe it has >already..." > "...ding dong, the witch is dead, the wicked witch- momma? What >rhymes with witch?" "Not now dear..." > As Azel reached the counter to buy a ticket, her vision flashed >and glowing spots appeared in front of her eyes as she nearly fell. > *Must be dehydrated... Need a ticket...* > "...me, excuse me. Can I help you? This is the line to get >tickets you know. People are waiting." The clerk waved at Azel to >move forward to the counter and, impatiently, waited for a response. > "Yes, I know. In fact, I'd like a ticket. I want a one way >flight tonight to..." Her mind, stuck on the thought of a ticket, >could not think of a single place to go. Without waiting, the clerk >read off a list. > "Tonight," droned the clerk in a cross manner, "we have planes to >France, Europe, Russia, Egypt, Japan, and Canada." > "Oh... Cana-" > "Whoops, the one to Canada already left." > "Then, France-" > "The one to France is now full." > "Egypt then!" > "Oh sorry... That one's full too." > Azel could swear the clerk was smirking at her. For the first >time in her entire life, Azel grew dangerously, murderously mad. >Her mind gripped at the idea of a ticket now. > *No idiot little clerk is going to stop ME! Ohhhh no. Not >now... Not when I've just gotten started! I'm tired of letting >others decide for me, I'm tired of being compliant... THAT'S IT!* > The multicolored spots in front of Azel's eyes began spinning >faster and faster until they became of a massive ball of lights. >Suddenly they burst, and as Azel's head pounded, her eyes began to >glow a sickly yellow color. The clerk drew back in surprise as >Azel's glowing eyes bored straight at the clerk. The people behind >Azel didn't notice a thing and began grumbling at the clerk to hurry >up. Azel herself didn't notice the glow or the surge of power that >raced through her body. Her mind was concentrated on one thing, and >that thing, was a ticket. > "I WANT that ticket. I want it NOW! I'm going to... um... >Japan. And there WILL be a free spot, and the plane WILL not take >off for at least fifteen minutes!" Azel's voice was full of barely >contained hostility. She glared at the clerk with ferocity and >carefully lifted her clench hand onto the wood counter. "I'd like >my ticket NOW, I said!" > The clerk, avoiding eye contact, quickly typed up the ticket and >placed it by Azel's clenched fist. The clerk coughed nervously and >mumbled, "That'll be 200 dollars please." > Azel took out her credit card, stuck the luggage in the >appropriate place and stared intensely at the clerk until he returned >the credit card. The clerk then made it clear Azel was needed >elsewhere. Shaking slightly, Azel took the ticket and moved away >from the counter. The glow quickly faded, leaving only a yellow >glow around her. Drained, bewildered, and strangely filled with a >new conviction that what she was doing was right, Azel made her way >towards the door, only barely catching the clerk's last words. > "Jeez," muttered the clerk at Azel's departing back. "Some >people have no patience."