>A plane on the way to Japan, late night... > > Azel sighed as she nearly toppled into the dingy blue airplane >seat. The encounter with the clerk had taken a lot more energy out >of her than she had expected. She was weary but finally, on her >way, at the end of one journey. > *Though if I could... I would redo that last encounter. Somehow >I think the clerk won. Yeah, I got a place on a plane... but it's a >cargo plane! Dingy, small, cramped... true it's a plane for >expensive cargo that needs handlers, but still! I'm amazed they even >let people on this plane.* > Resting her grungy hands on the even grungier arm rest, Azel >relaxed and took note of her surroundings. The engines of the plane >revved up and the blasting noise took away the remaining sounds of >the airport. Azel leaned over and peered out the window to see the >ground fall swiftly away from the plane. Her stomach lurched with a >hint of air sickness and Azel quickly turned away from the window. >Around Azel was a small passenger area, most likely for porters. >She peered around the corner and caught sight of a door closing up >front. The cockpit was most likely up there and the remaining area >of the plane was probably a huge cargo area. > *At least there isn't too many passengers... just a small group >of what appears to be porters, and a couple of travelers like me.* > Two groups caught her attention. The first was a group of >porters... or at least they were dressed like porters. While the >other group of porters were at ease and joking, these men were >stiff, formal. They looked as if they would be more at ease >guarding a fancy mansion... or lurking in the alleys. One of the >men noticed Azel's gaze and glared back, menace in every action. >Azel paled slightly and tried to appear normal as she shifted her >attention. > *That's one group I'd rather stay away from... I'm not looking >for trouble. Especially where I'm outnumbered... and out maneuvered. >Still... maybe I should mention this to someone in Japan.* > Azel grinned. > *Yeah right. "Mr. Stranger sir, I saw scary looking porters on >the plane, you want to arrest them?" Sure.* > Azel glanced over the other porters and the travelers till she >saw the other group that had caught her attention. There was a man >and a woman, talking in excited tones to each other. The man appear >tall, even sitting down, his black hair falling to his shoulders, >and his traditional robes worn with ease. The woman had similar >black hair but all up in a tight bun. She wore a bright outfit, >definitely oriental in origin. However, the thing that caught >Azel's attention was their discussion. It involved plenty of hand >waving and cries of recognition. > *Whatever they're talking 'bout, it's gotta be better than >nothin'.* > Azel yawned as fatigue overwhelmed her, but she was determined to >at least get a name from the other travelers. She rose and walked >over to them, sitting down in the chair opposite. Gesturing and >waving, the other travelers didn't even seem to notice Azel. >Hesitantly, she coughed and waved and finally mumbled, "Hello. My >name is Azel." Azel quickly tried to think of something more to say >as they abruptly stopped their conversation and looked at her. "I >though since this was going to be a long flight, maybe we could talk >a bit... I've never been to Japan before. Actually this flight was >a last minute sortof thing..." > The man's eyes lit up in recognition. "Ahha! The girl from the >lobby! Yes... I am Saotoma. This is my companion Chi-Chi. I'm >going back to Nerima because my gym is there and Chi-Chi is going to >see the contest at Nerima." The woman smiled and nodded. > *He seems to know me... Um. That's odd. I don't think I know >anyone from Nerima. A contest! I thought I heard about a contest >in Nerima...* > "Yes the contest is in Nerima." Chi-Chi almost echoed Azel's >thought. "My husband, Goku, should be in it. Gohan, my son, >desperately wanted to enter, but he was too young. However, Goku >took him along when they left earlier so that he could see the >tournament. I'm worried about his study habits though... Gohan >needs to study hard!" > "Ahem, yes," Saotoma cut into what seemed to be a long discussed >topic. "I'm sure he does... Anyway. So you've never been to >Nerima before? I have daughters your age, I'm sure they'd be glad >to show you around if you would accept my hospitality at my gym." > Azel hesitated. > *He seems reliable... but is it safe? I don't know anyone in >Nerima... Well maybe I'll stick with him a little while. Just to >hear about this tournament.* > "Sure, I'd like to see Nerima," Azel grinned. "Now about this >tournament... what's it for? What styles?" > Saotoma laughed and began to explain. "It's an anything goes >tournament and the reward is..." > The plane flight continued on as Chi-Chi and Saotoma explained >the tournament to Azel. The young girl was plainly interested in >seeing the tournament and the offer of hospitality at Saotoma's gym >had been accepted. Yet for some strange reason, throughout the >flight, an old adage rang in Azel's head. > *One journey's ending is yet an other's beginning.*