> Betamu mumbled some sort of "urk" type noise as she brought her arm up to >shield her eyes from the bright light. The doctor dropped his scalpel in >shock and stumbled back. > *BETAMU!! Betamu!! Wake UP!* Eve shrieked repeatedly. > *Shut up Eve...* Betamu sat up and glanced down at the trembling doctor. > The doctor nervously returned the stare and then tried his best to mumble >something coherent. > "W-w-who a-are y-y-you?" Betamu stood up towering over the doctor. > "I'm... " she paused for a second trying to drown out Eve's wild shrieks >of joy, "I'm.... I'm really hungry..." She brought her arms up around her >body, it was cold in the lab room, too cold for her. "...and cold." The >doctor scrambled over to a small console next to the door and pushed a little >blue button. > "Type-2401 is conscious, bring food." The doctor turned around and looked >at Betamu for a second and then opened the huge metal door and slipped out. > ><> > > Doc Shimoto leaned over the front of the table his jaw almost touching >the ground in shock, > "For the love of GOD creature how much are you gonna eat." Betamu >ignored him grabbing an apple and taking a large bite out of it. > "That's your thirty-fourth apple!" She swallowed the bite and then took >another while attempting to speak, > "Ith's cold." A small piece of apple fell out of the corner of her >mouth. Everyone in the cafeteria of the Nerima Area Facility had by this >point in time turned their undivided attention to Betamu's appetite. The >cafeteria was full of all sorts of strange aliens and creatures. If they >were from another world, this is where they were kept. Betamu glanced around >briefly as she polished off the apple. > "Ok, I'm full." she gave a half-smile. Shimoto sat back, > "It's about time." Betamu's half-smile turned into a grin, and she >snickered a little. > Shimoto leaned forward again, "What's so funny?" > *Betamu I don't think that's a very good idea.* > *Shut up Eve.* Betamu looked directly into Shimoto's eyes and then >grabbed his forehead. > "This..." Shimoto's head lurched back sharply after a somewhat loud >popping sound, he slumped forward onto the table. Betamu pulled her hand >back and massaged it a little. *Eve, have you cracked all the access codes >for this place yet?* > *Not totally, but I have made an interesting discovery about this world.* > *What?* Betamu quirked back across the cerebral connection. > *They are sooo primitive that they're still using electronic devices >vulnerable to minor power surges and EM pulses, which means you should be >able to disable most of them with a little twinge.* > *Excellent.* Betamu stood up as most of the other aliens watched. She >calmly walked over to the entrance of the cafeteria. She reached out to the >access panel and entered the code. The door slid open. She sauntered down >the hall towards the elevator. Again she punched in the access code provided >by Eve and the door opened effortlessly. *Eve, I can't just walk out the >front door. Isn't there another way out.* > *Afraid not, but there is way you can probably get out. This facility >isn't something that's open to the public, so it's hidden, rather poorly at >that. It's in the basement of an office building in Nerima, and it's usually >rather crowded. If you can get ahold of some clothes you might be able to >sneak out in the crowd. You could get to the ground floor through a >ventilation shaft on the 5th floor.* > Betamu kneeled down to inspect the elevator panel better. "I guess this >is it," she muttered as she pushed the small round button labeled "5". > > Betamu stepped out into the streets of Nerima. *So nice of that man to >let me have his clothes.* > *I don't exactly think 'let' is an appropiate word.* Eve retorted. > Betamu started off down the street, taking particular note of how well >she was fitting in, she was only 13-14 inches taller than everyone else. >She squatted down a little in a futile attempt to be a little less >conspicuous. "It's so cold" she muttered as she pulled the leather jacket >she had stolen tighter onto her body. People were staring. After a bit of >wandering she found herself in front a small building called a "Dojo". She >was getting hungry again, it was cold. The cold was beginning to be too much >for her. > Betamu sat down and leaned back on the door *Eve, I thought I told you to >find a place with a suitable temperature for me.* > *Um... yeah, sorry about that. You see I didn't realized these people >haven't discovered how to control their climate yet. It was good when I >picked it. It's about seventy... degrees now, that's their unit for >temperature.* > Betamu relaxed a little, her eyes drifting shut, "These people are >backwater."