Story - What HAVE we got into... Azel gasped as suddenly, without warning the strange man lifted high into the air. Of the people around her, she only faintly recognized one of them as being Scimitar who she breifly met. The rest.. well she really had no clue. *Greatttttt...* her mind droned at her sarcastically. *Meeting bloody, limp strangers in the forest, swopt upon by what look like a miltia Green bert group on steriods, and of course, let's not mention FLYING INTO THE AIR SEVERAL HUDRED FEET! And it's not that I'm scared of course... noooo... it's that I'm TERRIFIED! I hate hieghts, lord I hate heights, someone put me down, oh please, oh please, oh please...* Azel continued babbling in her head as the group flew higher over the forest, making all the nice dangerous creatures down there look like ants. *And where they're taking me.. I have no idea. Perhaps they're nice little people who want to make sure I don't get eaten by some nasty monster? Or perhaps they're just gurillas who like kidnapping people without introductions... I don't even know the hurt strangers name...* What looked like remains of a factory came into view and Azel epped and tried not to clutch any harder to the man who had lifted her into the air. It was hard enough trying not to look down... Finally able to clear her voice she looked at the men and managed to garble out, "uh heh.. yes.. and um, exactly where are we going?" The man who might have been Scimitar looked at her directly and stated as rational as any sane person "To the others of course! Safety in numbers, remember?" Azel just nodded and remembered that not all insane people are dangerous... just the ones who look like goriellas... yes... *Bad thought. Think positive! Think use the Glad game and kill Polyana later... yes... um.. GET ME DOWN!* And perhaps getting down was their idea too, for the group slowed and appeared to be aiming somewhere specific. Azel just hardly cared where they were going anymore as long as it was down. *And talking to someone who dosen't look like their from Rambo would be nice too... Well, I've always got my pokemon. That must mean something. Yeah... right.. think of another one, smart girl...* So pondering her options, limited due to the fact she was flying several hundred feet up held by some dude she didn't know, she yelled at herself some more and continued on into the night.