Gordon sped along down the streets. The Umbrella office building looming in the distance, just beyond the city limits. Much closer, Gordon's eyes came to rest upon two smaller figures. One was Mewtwo, hovering above the ground. The other was a face that was getting to be a bit too familiar. Gordon pulled his bike to a stop. "Hello, Gordon." Xellous smiled. /Gordon! You've got to help Scimitar!/ "What's happened?" "Those creatures you fought. There the Akuma. They capturedScimitar." "Wow! They didn't seem that tough. I'm suprised they could dothat." /You're lucky he thought you were just a human. He wasn't using his full power./ "How strong could they-" /They can cast Dragon Slave!/ "What?" /You heard me. Dragon Slave. D-R-A-G-O-N-S-L-A-V-E. Dragon Slave./ "The words!" Gordon grabbed Mewtwo hard. "Did you hear thewords?" "I hate to break up your little discussion." Xellous said. "But it looks like you've got company." He said pointing over Gordon'sshoulder. "Huh?" Gordon spun around. The Akuma he fought earlier, now fully recovered, swooped down at him. Gordon dove out of the way. "I'm back Gabriev." He growled. "This time you won't get away. I underestimated your skill. A mistake I won't make again." "I didn't fully kill you. A mistake *I* won't make again." Gordon moved to draw his sword. /Gordon!/ Mewtwo warned. /The others are here too. Even if you can beat all three, you won't have the strength to take on Umbrella and rescue Scimitar./ "Alright." He growled, not liking it. "Xellous, can...Xellous? Damn! He's gone. Split up, Mewtwo." /We'll meet infront of the offices. Good luck./ "FREEZE ARROW!" Gordon cried launching a shaft of freezing ice at the Akuma, while leaping onto his bike. The two other Akuma came out of hiding and joined in the pursuit. Gordon pulled a sharp left, while Mewtwo flew off to the right. The largest Akuma went after Mewtwo, while the female Akuma and the one who fought Gordon ealier chased him. The two were slowly catching up. Gordon's bike was fast, but he was slowed down by traffic and startled pedestrians, while the Akuma's just flew overhead. "Zelgadis! Solar beam!" "Ivysaur!" Zelgadis growled and fired a blast, smashing the female Akuma, knocking her into her partner. It didn't stop them for long, but Gordon was able to spread the distance a little. Gordon turned to pay attention to where he was going as he sped onto the bridge. Just in time too, as right in front of him was a young man with a yellow headband, who was trying to figure out how to get to the Tendo's. "Whatch out!" Gordon cried. Too late, Gordon crashed into him, and the two went flying over the handrail, splashing into the waters. The two Akuma's flew down and perched on the edge of the bridge, scanning the waters for their target. They didn't notice a small white fox run out of the water, being chased by a very angry black piglet.