From: Owen Kuhn To: Cc: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Subject: Re:Part 95 - Kongzilla - by Scimitar Date: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 12:05 AM Ultimate Anime Crossover - Zelgadis grabbed one of Gordon's bags and ran after the fox and pig. He caught up to the fox, waiting at a small lake in the woods. "Ivysaur!" he called as he fired his solar beam into the waters, heating it up. The fox jumped into the waters and Gordon burst out. He grabbed from the bag and put it on, followed by a leather jacket and a set of gloves, before anybody saw him. He just got finished putting on the rest of his clothes, when a blow from behind knocked his face into the mud. He looked up to see a very angry black piglet staring at him. "Huh? Oh, it's the guy from the bridge. The water's hot if you wanna change back. The pig examined the water and hopped in. "Why don't you watch where you're going you maniac?" He exlaimed as he burst out. "Sorry. I had something on my mind. You wanna borrow some clothes?" "So who the hell are you anyway?" the man asked as he dressed. "Name's Gordon Gabriev." "Ryouga Habiki." "Really sorry about the thing on the bridge. I was escaping some dangerous men." "Ha! Real men, don't run from a fight." "Look! I was outnumbered, and I need my strength to rescue my friend! Besides. I need those guys alive." "Do what you want. I need to get to the Tendo's Dojo." "Oh, I saw that before I was attacked. It's just over those hills." "Thank you." He said, shortly before running off in the wrong direction. Gordon sighed as he examined what he had. The four talisman had remained secured, so he still could augment his magic if needed. Of course he still had his locket, but his sword and breastplate were at the bottom of the river and his bike was probably taken by the Zoa-thingies or Aku-somethings, or whatver they were called, or else it was still on the bridge. Either way, he needed to go back to get his sword and armor. Gordon and Zelgadis ran quietly through the woods, taking an alternate route back, incase the Aku-whatevers were tracking them. He paused as he came to a blacktop road. Lying on the road was an unconscious girl, and a rather large tiger. --------------------------------------------- When the Eye of God blinks, The Path to the sky will open up, and the Shadow Nation becomes one. -Ancient El Hazard Prophecy Get Free Email, Anime News, and The Best Prices at ______________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe, write to Start Your Own FREE Email List at