From: Noname san To: ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Subject: Part 99 - Mini part 3 - Yet another factory - by Noname-san Date: Thursday, November 04, 1999 6:34 PM “What is that?” Patricia asked. “An…an Articuno…only one in existence…” he stared at the majestic bird. “But…why would it be here?” “I don’t know…no hunters looking for it here…” he trailed off as the bird flew down toward them. “Art! Cuno!” “…” both of them just stood there, staring at the bird. Suddenly, before their eyes, an aura surrounded the bird. It was blinding. “Ditto!” Before them stood a weird goo of something. “Now, what is this?” she asked. “A Ditto! It’s a shape-shifter.” They set up camp on the ledge of rock they were on. The Ditto stayed around. It seemed interested in what they were doing. It was as if it had never seen a human before in it’s life. “It is kinda cute…” Patricia whispered to him. “Ya…well, we better get some rest. Want to reach the top by tomorrow…” In the morning, the Ditto was still there. “Ditto!” The three of them started climbing the mountain. By noon they were on the top. The climb wasn’t very exciting, but the top was…mind-boggling. “Holy sh…” he stopped when he saw a guard look in there direction. “What is it?” Patricia whispered to him. “Dit?” The Ditto looked around, apparently it’d never noticed the scene before. The Articuno wasn’t flying very high. In front of them was a gigantic building. Surrounding the building were armed guards. “Umbrella…” The plan was clear. He had convinced the Ditto to turn into a Charizard. While the Charizard was rampaging through the factory, Patricia and he would sneak in, place some charges, get out. When they left, the Charizard would fly away after seeing them, then the building would explode. By-bye Umbrella. “Ready?” he asked. “Ready…” she said. “Ditto!” The three of them crawled up onto the top of the mountain. “Holy crap!” came yells from the building as the Ditto in Charizard form flew over the structure. “Go…” he said to Patricia. Ok, I figured I'd write 99 so that whoever writes next writes the historic post 100. It's short, yes, but the next post is going tyo be LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG..... Ok, bye all! Sayonara! Darrell (Noname-san) "What did I ever do to you?!" - Happosai "You want a LIST, you old freak?!" - Ranma ______________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free Email at