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______ _______ ____ ------ / / // ____// |---------------------------------------------- U K / / // ___/ / / ' July 23rd, 1997 / / // / / / / N E T W O R K part 1 Issue 78 --- (_____//__/ -- (_____/------------------------------------------------ The United Kingdom UFO Network - a free electronic magazine with subscribers in over 40 countries. This issue comes in 2 parts. If any part is missing please mail:
In this issue: United Kingdom News
[UK 1] SAS in Aien Riddle
World News
[W 1] Ralph Rene 'Nasa Mooned America'
United Kingdom News
[UK 1]****** Source: The People newspaper
SAS in Aien Riddle
By Joe Brady SAS soldiers waiting to ambush IRA gunmen were stunned when aliens
The undercover troops hiding near an arms cache on a hillside in
The "aliens" and soldiers stared at each other for a minute. Then
They were so disturbed by what they had seen they took the rare
Their commander was furious and their comrades in the elite Special
But the eight stuck to their story and it was accepted. Now, four
Belfast based expert Hugh O'Brien said: "we are trying to interview
"We have learnt that on that morning they were convinced they saw
"At no stage did the soldiers feel threatened. They simply could not
"The alien forms made no move towards them but judging from what the
"All the men can recall is that in a very quick space of time they
Mr O'Brien added: "these men were fit, highly trained observers and
The weapons cache was recovered by other soldiers. [UK 2]****** Source: MSN King Arthur linked to UFO sightings White triangles were hovering on the rugged coastline around Tintagel
by Nick Constable and Karen Farrington MSN NEWS A SPATE of bizarre UFO sightings involving bright geometrical shapes
In two separate incidents witnesses reported
In the third sighting a group of lights formed a square above a
The X-Files type mystery involve shapes which appear two-dimensional
Intriguingly, one witness reported hearing a
50 YEARS OF UFOs In the beginning... Bookies slash the odds on alien
Reports on the sightings, backed by detailed
However the MoD's Secretariat (Air Staff) has refused to investigate
All but one of the four witnesses has refused to be named publicly
The first sighting at 4am on January 11 this
Dave Gillham goes UFO-spotting on the Cornish coast A 40-year-old woman was woken by a flashing light in her bedroom.
She went back to bed thinking she was dreaming but returned to the
The woman, who lives alone, said she was used to seeing tractor
She added: "It wasn't like that. It was extremely bright." The
"Perhaps there is a hint of truth in some of those legends" - DAVE
A courting couple walking down to the sea in
At one point the shapes were within 12 feet of the couple. They
The woman said: "We heard a noise, I don't know if it was connected.
"The triangles didn't hurt my eyes. It became fascinating but it was
The third incident occurred in March near Dozmary Pool, Bodmin Moor
Drama student Matt Punter, 18, saw a square of lights hovering eight
"I suddenly had to duck and slam on the brakes. My first thought was
He said: "I suddenly had to duck and slam on
"It stopped about ten metres further down the road. It was four
"I always thought people who claimed to see UFOs were a bit sad. Now
Dave Gillham, of the Cornwall UFO Research Group, said military
"We believe something very strange is occuring, and has been
"Legend links Tintagel closely with the birth of King Arthur and the
[UK 3]****** From:
UFO swoops on lorry driver Tales of the unexpected have been brewing across Burton and South
>From the outer limits of Newhall to Stapenhill, people are
Reports, which started with the sighting of a crescent-shaped UFO
The X File-style sightings sparked a UFO investigation after a
The driver, who works for the Burton firm of Thacker's Pet Products
There, across his vision, was a jet black shape without any detail.
Mr Stephen Dyche, of Baker Street, Stapenhill, is to return to the
He said: "It certainly wasn't aerodynamic. It was getting on for a
"I didn't believe in UFOs or that sort of thing before now but this
Mr Dyche said later sightings of an object similar to the one he saw
And he said after reporting the incident to police and the Civil
[UK 4]****** From: "Phil Light" <>
Bonnybridge, Scotland This also is not a laughing matter. 50 years ago today, an American
Emma: Yes, something wierd is definately going on here in
Billy Buchanan (Falkirk Councillor): The area above Bonnybridge here
It was on this very road about 5 years ago, I think it was in late
Ann Malcolm: We've had quite a lot of experiences and the 1st time
Craig Malcolm: This is a film I shot in November. [home video
[video of bright light moving slowly across sky] Emma: Well one man who thinks he may have some answers to what is
Malcolm (UFO Investigation Association): Well, I think that
Emma: And do you think that is what's happening to most people
Malcolm: When in most instances, people see something in the sky
Emma: So some have no rational explanation at all. Lets deal with
Malcolm: They can be aircraft where the sun is reflecting off the
Emma: You think that up to 95% (cut short) Malcolm: Yes, I think that up to 95% of sighting can be explained
Emma: Now you've brought a film with you which of an object which
[bright light moving across sky at night, above street lights] Malcolm: We are looking at a very bright intense light which is not
Emma: Now that's your job isn't it - to check for any possible
Malcolm: It is indeed. We check with the police, the airports, and
Emma: Phil Tavis brought along this photo, which also you cannot
Malcolm: Well what you are seeing is the underside of an object, and
Emma: Why do you think it is happening here. Why Bonnybridge? Malcolm: It's a million dollar question. All that we can say is that
Emma: Well it is certainly a phenomenon it that people see things
Malcolm: Almost certainly. I would like to see a government
Emma: Well I'm sure the villagers here want one to. Back to the
----------------------- I hope to be able to get the pictures soon. When I do, I will post
[UK 5]****** Source: Daily Mail newspaper
Here is the third and final part of Nick Popes abridged extract from
For three years, Ministry of Defence official Nick Pope was the UFO
Now, in a second book, The Uninvited, he has reached an even more
by Nick Pope Former UFO Desk Officer At The Ministry Of Defence If Patsy had just dreamed floating above the park, why had a
What happened to Patsy Ryan, a 28 year old psychology graduate, in
She was spending a quiet afternoon sunbathing in a park near her
Even more extraordinary, not least because she seemed to be about
Such a thought my suggest that Patsy was dreaming, but there was to
Her immediate concern was to get back down to the ground. Willing
She remembers a strange jolting sensation, which she believes was
Then she became aware of great pain in her upper thigh, the most
In time the wound became redder and more raised. She sought advice
Two or three days later, the pain spread to the rest of her leg, and
The wound healed slowly, but the scar remained, and is still faintly
How did Patsy receive such a serious burn in a public park? Why did
There was a gap of three years, Patsy believes, before she finally
A group of people assembled outside the shop in a quiet side street,
The 13 strong group were definitely unusual. All of them were oddly
A man with what appeared to be an American accent said hello to
The group, having made no purchases, finally began to filter out of
Since then Patsy has flirted briefly with the world of ufology, but
Abridged extract from 'The Uninvited' by Nick Pope, published by
During September 1990, James and Pamela Millen went camping in
He pointed them out to Pamela and the couple watched, mesmerised, as
Pamela recalls that James reappeared and commented on a pile of
James subsequently had recollections of being in a circular white
On November 9, 1979, forester Bob Taylor was walking in Dechmont
Lost hours on a weird car journey Londoner Mary O'Donnell, a 31 year old secretary, was apparently
Last October, Mary was travelling on the M1 approaching Leeds with
It turned towards their car and, while Mary had a brief impression
They were no longer on the motorway, but on a roundabout in central
Just before Mary saw the aircraft, they had made a note of the time
The scenario fits the classic story of aliens intercepting people
Explanations for these disturbing occurrences If abductions are nothing to do with an extraterrestrial presence,
Birth Trauma Many psychologists believe that the trauma of birth is one of our
Some of the images reported in typical abduction experience mirror
The aliens bear more than a passing resemblance to a foetus. The
The problem with such a theory is that, the abduction phenomenon is
Near-death/Out of body experiences In a typical near death experience (NDE), said to occur sometimes in
Some experts believe NDEs arise from the brain being starved of
The out of body experience (OBE) is similar but is not limited to
The similarity of of sensation and imagery between abductions, NDEs
Hoaxes Fraudsters are often intelligent people who are capable of
False memory syndrome Memory is not an accurate record of past events. Sometimes, when we
Hypnagogic or Hypnopompic imagery Just before we fall asleep and just after we wake up, our minds are
Temporal lobe lability The temporal lobes are areas of the brain associated with memory,
Electromagnetism Some researchers suggest that many UFO and abduction experiences
Sleep paralyses This is the biological process which inhibits our movements during
Child sex abuse Such events have a devastating effect on the victims, who will carry
World News
[W 1]****** uk.ufo.nw says: We are not sure exactly where this article came from Cover Story Did man really walk on the Moon or was it the ultimate camera trick,
The greater lunar lie In the early hours of May 16, 1990, after a week spent watching old
"How can the flag be fluttering," the 47 year old American kept
That moment was to be the beginning of an incredible Space odyssey
It is of course the conspiracy theory to end all conspiracy
The story lifts off in 1961 with Russia firing Yuri Gagarin into
And so, says Rene (and a growing number of astro-physicists are
For a start, he says, the TV footage was hopeless. The world tuned
By contrast, the still photos were stunning. Yet that's just the
- The cameras had no white metres or view ponders. So the astronauts
- There film stock was unaffected by the intense peaks and powerful
-[continued in part 2]-
______ _______ ____ ------ / / // ____// |---------------------------------------------- U K / / // ___/ / / ' July 23rd, 1997 / / // / / / / N E T W O R K part 2 Issue 78 --- (_____//__/ -- (_____/------------------------------------------------ -[continued]- Award winning British photographer David passer is convinced the
- The shadows could only have been created with multiple light
- The American flag and the words "United States" are always
- Not one still picture matches the film footage, yet Nasa claims
- The pictures are so perfect, each one would have taken a slick
David Persey believes the mistakes were deliberate, left there by
The questions don't stop there. Outer space is awash with deadly
John Mauldin, a physicist who works for Nasa, once said shielding at
How could that stop this deadly radiation? And if the astronauts
Furthermore, every Apollo mission before number 11 (the first to the
Several years after Nasa claimed its first Moon landing, Buzz Aldrin
"It strikes me he's suffering from trying to live out a very big
Aldrin may also fear for his life. Virgil Grissom, a Nasa astronaut
Nobody knows what fuelled his fears, but by the end of the month he
Scientists couldn't believe Nasa's carelessness - even a chemistry
In fact, before the first manned Apollo fight even cleared the
"One wonders if these 'accidents' weren't Nasa's way of correcting
Nasa wont respond to any of these claims, their press office will
"The purpose of this film," Scheer told the enthralled group, "is to
A sudden attack of honesty? You bet, says Rene, who claims the only
"It was the easiest way to ensure Nasa wasn't left with three
And now Nasa is planning another giant step - project Outreach, a 1
Space oddities - Apollo 14 astronaut Allen Shepard played golf on the Moon. In
- A camera panned upwards to catch Apollo 16's Lunar Lander lifting
- One Nasa picture from Apollo 11 is looking up at Neil Armstrong
The pressure inside a space suit was greater than inside a football.
- The Moon landings took place during the Cold War. Why didn't
Text from pictures in the article Only two men walked on the Moon during the Apollo 12 mission. Yet
The flags shadow goes behind the rock so doesn't match the dark line
The Lander weighed 17 tons yet the astronauts feet seem to have made
The powerful booster rocket at the base of the Lunar Lander was
[W 2]****** Source: Teletext World News
Estonia. Startled customs officers near the Russian border seized a
[W 3]****** Source: Teletext
People have been enjoying an extra special moment after scientists
Time came to a brief "standstill" at 1 am on Tuesday to allow
"The earth has been running too slowly" explained Martine Feissel,
[W 4]****** Source: The People newspaper
UFO link as cows are mutilated By Murray Davies The dead cow was lying in the middle of a perfect circle in a field. It's head was twisted up in the air with the bottom jaw and tongue
But despite all that there was no blood on the ground or the animal. "People have been reporting UFOs in the area," said Sheriff C J
"The spacecraft is the width of a two lane highway. Its round and
"When people see this thing, two or three days later we hear about
This is just one of a string of unexplained animal mutilations in
They continue even to the present day. Local people dismiss government claims that the wounds were caused
"If it is predators, then we have predators with super powers," said
"It is hard to believe predators can pull a steers heart out through
The incisions display advanced medical knowledge. A clue to the reason for the mystery was given by Judy Doraty, who
Under hypnosis it was revealed that she was abducted late one
She saw a light in the sky. A carf was being drawn up in a beam. She was taken into the spacecraft where aliens told her they were
They were studying the reproductive system of animals to find the
It was only in the Eighties that scientists began to discover that
Adapted from Alien Agenda: The Untold Story Of The Extraterrestrials
[W 5]****** Source: The Express On Sunday newspaper
Did rats from space down TWA Flight 800? By Charles Oulton
A freak accident involving a canister of rats launched from space
The latest, and most bizarre, theory to be examined by accident
The FBI found no evidence to support its theory that a bomb caused
However, no one has explained how the vapour or gas was ignited -
The Space Shuttle Columbia launched a capsule containing the
When the capsule re-entered the earth's atmosphere, it was blasted
But the parachute failed to open, putting the canister on a
The canister is said to have hit the aircrafts fuselarge at
The new theory could explain a photograph taken by Linda Kabot,
The FBI interviewed Mrs Kabot and her husband several times and
The canister theory could also explain radar pictures which also
Although the Pentagon confirmed the jet crashed near an area some
As rumours of the new lead circulated, a senior source close to the
"This is a scandal being hushed up. No one has admitted losing this
--- The growing peril of rubbish plunging to Earth Space debris from rockets and satellites has been falling to earth
Almost every month, pilots report sightings of space objects, with
Although many fall safely in the sea, some land in built up areas,
The seriousness of the position was recognised as early as 1964 when
There have been several payouts, notably by Russia to Canadian
The aircraft blew up, probably as the results of a bomb. The chief
[W 6]****** Source: Dreamland (the TV documentary on Area 51)
I fully understand that my inadvertent exposure to classified
I'm do therefore solemnly swear or affirm that I shall never,
I further understand that no change in my assignment, employment,
Signature of witness Date Title/Organization
A year ago this month
(58-W11) 1-7-96 : Poll: 49% believe there is a government cover-up.
****** United Kingdom UFO Network would like to thank Lynne Bishop and
Readers may like to visit the web sites of both Lynne and Bookfinder
Foreword by John S. Carpenter
A FEARFUL SYMMETRY Copyright 1995 by D. Lynne Bishop All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
First Printing September 1995 Printed in the United States of America BOOKFINDER PUBLISHING
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This book could not have been written without the assistance and
I thank Jack and Mary, our close friends, for listening to me without
My family is, and always will be, one of the most important facets of
A NOTE TO THE READER: The people and events depicted in this book are
FOREWORD Twenty years had passed. The memory of many events had been dulled by
Daughter Lynne was not looking for an exotic experience or an
When an alleged UFO abduction contains multiple participants, the
Responses under hypnosis fail to show evidence of suggestibility or
Experience within these pages the integrity, intelligence,
John S. Carpenter, MSW / LCSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker,
INTRODUCTION Little did I realize on that fateful day in February of 1992 that I
What follows is a chronology of over a year in that journey. My
This is a true story of alien intrusion into human lives. But, even
Vivaldi CHAPTER ONE In early February 1992, my eyes were drawn to a book on one of the
Several weeks passed after I mailed the letter, and realizing that it
As I awaited the arrival of the 25th, I struggled inwardly with the
The morning of April 25 dawned sunny and bright, and I wore the
Following a short, informal conference with each other, I was
[to be continued next issue] ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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