the Lair of Laranth the Listener
Well, Friffras are a little treat that magically tastes like the candy you love most.

I accidentally made some during an experiment in the magical properties of Wintergreen Lifesavers. The name came, well let's just say I had to change it. Friffras are just sugar and some magic ingredients: magic (non-allergic) chocolate, some magic caramel that doesn't stick *too* much, some magic nutty-type-seeds, and a couple of other things..... heh, those'r my secret recipe!

Here, try one!

I'm currently working on another type, which I call fruffras. They should be able to make veggies taste more interesting without all the extra calories of salad dressing, but I'm having problems, they seem to have a preference for jalapeno sauce. *sigh* I was going to market them, but decided I didn't want to share. *grin*

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