Rogues Review of Political Satire: The politics, the dopes, and all your favorite idiots in one crazy zany site. Political satire of those in government that run and ruin the country. Political humor at it's best!. 
obama's brain is partially missing.
Its been reported by other news agencies but not reported by CNN or MSNBC or CNBC that part of Obamas brain has been missing since early this year. In fact he's been unable to make an decent remarks without stepping on former statements he made on his trip to the white house. Its been said on many occasions outside of press and reporters that Rush Lumbaugh haunts his dreams, in fact the word dittohead scares the living crap out of him.


Rush Limbaugh will debate Obama or his teleprompter Amazing to realize the true guts of Rush Limbaugh in the fact he has thrown down to the gauntlet on Obama to debate him over political views. Now that Obama has decided he won't confront Rush in a open debate,  Rush has thrown the gauntlet down on Obamas teleprompter.
the new nazi party  Keith Olbermann of MSNBC fame has been so interesting to watch over the past few year or so as his show seems focused on what nobody else seems to care about. He relishes this. Now here was someone that was involved heavily in sports tv. Play by play this guy seems like he's been sacked hard and always seems like he's angry at something. The penchant for this guy is that he has a true hate for the right, conservative, or republican view. because he knows it all, actually he doesn't. The truth is Keith your ratings suck as listed by this link. The truth is smart actors and actresses realize they need everyone to support their movies not just the right or left or independents. I think your German name really identifies you as the person you are facist. Heil Hitler MSNBC
The New Democratic Seal

and a new pledge:

Bitch and Moan, Whimp and Lie.

We are the party of gays, deviants. Committed to abolishing morals, the American flag, the end of God. 

Senator Kennedy is great- check out the truth of the drunk and womanizer. The truth!

The Real Story of the other side - Get the latest poop! A Rogues Exclusive Special Edition
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