R e v i e w

I had great expectations to this movie. I didn't even know that they were making the fourth alien before someone told me about one month before the american release. I loved the three first alien movies - 'The Alien Trilogy', and I felt really great that another movie was made. But I thought that this one could never be as great as any of the previous...it's a number 4 for heavens sake! But I really looked forward to see it. I read some of the script and all... Then January came (because I live in Norway, it takes some time for movies to get here), and me and a friend of mine went to see it...

The very introduction was great, showing bits and pieces of the seven clones (but we didn't know at the time), letting us know that they were aliens, but deformed aliens.
Points (0-10) ******* (7)

V i s u a l s
The visuals of this movie is magnificent. It is kinda dark, but still very colorful and with many details.
The 'Auriga' looks huge and the corridors on board is not unlike mining-pits (as I imagine them) in metal. Everything is dirty and looks ceap. Everything is also huge and the corridors seems like a labyrith.
The 'Betty' looks like a pile of trash, old as hell. This 'pirate' ship also looks dirty (as the rest of the movie).
Points ***** (5)

C r e w a n d P r o d u c t i o n
The camera crew on the 'Rez' did a wonderful work, and if you need a reason to watch 'Rez', but find not one, you could just see it for the very way it is made. A scene that I in particular noticed, was when the 'Betty' had left the 'Auriga' that was soon to crash into earth. You first see a couple of empty corridors, looking alright, except that there is no people there while the computer 'father' tells the empty ship that it is 5, 4, 3 seconds to impact. Then, just as the ship crashes, you see a close up of an growling alien.
Points ******* (7)

A l i e n s
The Aliens looked like shit! The visual look of them was terrible! They didn't look like ANYTHING anymore. Everything annoyed me, from the reduction of digits from 6 to 3, to the way the alien's feet was made! Worst: the newborn!
Points * (1) (and that's ONLY because they look kind of like aliens!)

P l o t
The plot was a big piece of shit! If someone had hired a couple of talented writers ... but no... Either the writers ran out of ideas or someone on the crew of 'Rez' completely destroyed the story (Jeunet, you feel guilty?).
Points * (1)

A c t o r s
The actors did rather well. Sigourney Weaver made Ripley develop from sole surviver in 'Alien' and nightmare strucken pro-surviver in 'Aliens' to the really bad, tough bitch in 'Rez'. Sigourney herself said that she didn't know how many movies more the original 'Ripley' would do. She said that she doubted that Ripley had the guts of facing the aliens once more.
Ryder also made a wonderful job. I never believed that Winona Ryder, which I've seen in mostly rather historic dramas would act as a second gen. android in a monster movie! No way!
The other actors also did great jobs, but I've written about them in the 'characters' section...
Points ****** (6)
A v e r a g e P o i n t s (if all categories count just as much) **** (4)

But the introduction and the skill of the camera crew is not what you can base a review of a movie on, so the
R e a l P o i n t s are *** - 3/10

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