Klingon Bitch Brigade

Who are we?:

We are the KBB , members of Battlegroup .
We are an elite group of Female Klingons with Bitchy attitudes,
we do not attribute this to KMS (Klingon Menstrual Syndrom) .
Although we are all sisters we can only accept those Klingons
who prove to be worthy of the name

We are the official Honour Guards of Battlegroup,
and as such have various duties:

Lots of leather and lace.  Whips and chains are a must.
The more cleavage the better but do not over do it.
Remember people this is only a fan club check your attitudes at the door at events.
Klingons are fictional characters please do not take this seriously we are not the military.


LtCol. Khy'Lik sutai-Kurkura Head Bitch and Founder

LtCol. Kaloc sutai-Kurkura First Bitch

Maj. CHeraL vestai-Kurkura Second Bitch

Lt. T'ath tai- Bonerath  Third Bitch and KBB Training Officer

KBB Members:

LtCmdr. Kellien sutai-Kahl

LtCmdr. K'Chal vestai Kafrn

LtCmdr. K'owK'ary vestai-Tuq'mar

Being a slave
Being Your slave, What should I do but tend Upon the hours and times of Your desire?
I have no precious time at all to spend, Nor services to do, till You require it.
Nor, dare I hide the world-without-end hour Whilst I my Sovereign, watch the clock for You,
Nor think the bitterness of absence sour When You have bid Your servent once adieu;
Where You may be, or Your affairs suppose,
But, like a sad slave, stay and think of nought Save,
where You are how happy You make those.
So true a fool is love that in Your will,
Though You do any thing, he thinks no ill.
K'William poetictai-Shakespeare-Kurkura*
Sonnet 57
* Yes, we claim his dead body as our own!

In the interest of co-operation between slaves (with a little back stabbing thrown in for fun;) I'll point out a few blunders in the statements you've made below...this will benifit all slaves.

Slave #9 - the lucky slave.
    Well you know,  I happen to have handcuffs, swords, spears, staves, which is Good! Most B's enjoy a little blood play now and then and other fun things to use on any bitch who is willing to have a "to us on"? No, no, they use such things on us if we're bad (or is that good?) "bitch" is likely the biggest no, no, of them all. The proper word is "Bitch"; see the difference?

Slave #13 - the helpful slave. (who feels slightly guilty for using the word "Bitch" so much even with the capital "B")
    Hmm...I wouldn't know, I'll have to ask "your" Bitch (in quotations because they own us, not the other way around) about that ;) All in fun; but how about having some help from the Bitches on how they like to be treated? Do we give them roses or just send them the thorns?

Some KBB Slave pics:

This is the updated list of slaves for the KBB. Khy'Lik said to remind everyone that your number means nothing, the number is just given to each slave in the order that they joined as a slave, and if anyone is missing let her know asap.

  #1 K'Lagg
  #2 K'Craig
  #3 Joesph
  #4 KRIS
  #5 G'ob L'in
  #6 K'Eldak
  #7 K'Hung
  #8 K'Drix
  #9 Tagh - the lucky slave.
  #10 Kev'Lar
  #11 Morvath
  #13 Tou'Val - the helpful slave.
  #14 Kahloth
  #15 Gorvak
  #16 Kor'Vak

If we are missing a slave please let us know ASAP!! <G>

For more information on the KBB or Battlegroup please contact
LtColonel. Khy'Lik sutai-Ka'Ching ORBattlegroup Command
Kaloc with little K'Meg daughter of Khy'Lik & K'Lagg.

STAR TREK and all related characters, names and materials, including the Star Trek Universe, Klingon, Symbols, Emblems and devices are all Copyright Paramount. This web site offered by Battlegroup a sci-fi fan organization, and is aimed at providing information of interest concerning this group's activities. No Copyright infringements is intended on our part for the use of Star Trek terminology, expressions and images that are held by Paramount, Viacom, the estate of Gene Roddenberry or any others.
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