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Heathens Against Hate-mongering, racism, sexism, homophobia, Nazism, and other ideologies that do violence to people.


Visitor since March 28, 1999






~~The Gauntlet~~ ©
My facade of hardness that I show to all,
My front of toughness, my invisible wall.
It kept me safe, It kept me free,
I let it down for him to to see.
He broke into this world of mine,
But now I'm running outa time.
I used to think I was so tough,
I tried to show that I was rough.
But I let him in, Now I've found,
That my wall is losing ground.
My tenderness has found it's place,
And now it's shown upon my face.
His blazing heart, burned it down,
So I know that I have found,
My truest freind, my closest love,
My protector from above.
I know that he will come to me,
For we share a Love that makes us free.
That Love will Stand eternally.

Author: Andromeda



All things Asatru

Norse Holiday's

Norse Mythology

Ritual Outlines


Rite of the Northern Dawn

Hammer Rite

Asatru Marriage Ceremony


Asatru Invocations

What is Asatru?

Wortcunning (An Herbal)

Icelandic Folk Tales

Oath of the Gothi



~Page Updated June 27, 2008~