John Yesford



Specialized           Java (including JSP, WebLogic, Tomcat, STRUTS framework),   

Knowledge:         Visual Basic (including VBA and VBScript), Visual C++, C, JavaScript, ASP Pages, MS Outlook Forms (including CDO), SQL (SQL Server, Oracle (7 & 8i), Informix), Unix Shell Scripts (Bourne, C, and Korn), MS SourceSafe Version Control Software, StarTeam, PVCS


Summary:                   Has over 15 years of hands-on software development experience in a wide range of environments.  Experienced in all phases of software development lifecycle.  Has provided management and technical guidance to development teams as small as two members to as large as 10 members



Principle Member of Tech Staff                                                          PEC Solutions, Incorporated
                                                                                                                            June 2002  – Present

·         Developed web pages as part of the CAPER web application for VBA to process benefit claims

·         Used Java, JSP, HTML, ASP and JavaScript to emulate a legacy client server application.

·         Also assisted on other JSP and Java development work as other developers left the project.

·         Web application used WebLogic by BEA.

·         Application used a modified MVC architecture and XML files for flow control

·         Investigating moving the project to the STRUTS application framework.


Senior Systems Engineer                                                                 Vector Research, Incorporated
                                                                                      March 2001 – June 2002(purchased by PEC)

·         Served as the Technical Lead for the WSPO support contract with the IRS

·         Managed 8 developers on tasks ranging from website development to process documentation

·         Interfaced daily with project COTR, government personnel and customer agency representatives

·         Formulated and enforced, with the Project Lead, work and quality standards

·         Provided technical guidance and management for such tasks as

·         Redesigning the WSPO website

·         Modifying a SQL Server database that stored information about IRS intranet websites

·         Redesigning a web-based application that allowed users to register their intranet websites. 

·         Assisted the Project Lead in managing the over all project and assignment of resources

·         Supervised all deployments, coordinating such deployments with the project COTR and other agency staff

·         Assisted Project Manager in developing budget and resource requirements for new tasks

·         Assisted Project Manager in monitoring resource allocations to meet budget goals


Consultant                                                                                                           Acuity Technology
May 2000 – March 2001

·         Task leader responsible for enhancing and maintaining Web-based application for ordering laboratory tests.

·         Java

·         JSP

·         JDBC

·         Jrun

·         SQL Server SQL code and stored procedures

·         HL7

·         Formulated work standards and monitored work quality of other team members.

·         Responsible for enhancing and maintaining a C program that read HL7 messages and inserted the data into a SQL Server database using ODBC calls.


·         Responsible for implementing and testing of vendor provided software for handling mortgages for Freddie Mac

·         Determined the proper format for input data

·         Configured an Oracle Database in order to process typical Freddie Mac's financial transactions

·         Provided technical support and problem resolution for both stress and user acceptance testing.

·         Responsible for designing and implementing, in C and Pro*C code, interfaces to other Freddie Mac systems

·         Responsible for helping Freddie Mac employees who were learning either Oracle or C programming.


Senior Developer                                                                                                                BTG, Inc.
December 1996 – April 2000

·         Responsible for developing, enhancing and maintaining custom applications for BTG clients

·         Duties included writing code in several environments including:

·         VB5, ODBC, ADO, RDO

·         SQL Server stored procedures

·         Oracle RDBMS

·         ASP pages

·         MS Outlook forms with CDO

·         Unix C based applications

·         Unix Shell Scripts : bourne shell, awk, sed and vi

·         Responsible for enforcing work standards in both code and documentation

·         Ported a C and Informix based web application, for World Bank, to a new server

·         Modification of CGI C programs, Perl scripts, Informix stored procedures, and Unix Shell scripts was required

·         Ported Informix database to Oracle.

·         Responsible for maintaining various parts of the PeopleSoft Human Resources Application.


Senior Support Developer                                                                                                                  

·         Responsible for customizing a Help Desk Support application called Scopus

·         Used TCL code as well as Oracle SQL to implement customer and technical support procedures

·         Used Unix scripts to maintain and update data in an Oracle database 

·         Designed and implemented development, test and production environments

·         Ensured compliance with standards and supervised testing activities.

·         Implemented web interfaces with HTML and JavaScript.

·         Created an application, using VB 5.0 and a custom HTML form, to construct customized email messages

·         Application allowed users to customize email based on responses supplied by potential customers

·         Potential customers responses  from an HTML Form were retrieved from the Oracle database using ODBC

·         Used Crystal Reports to create reports for use by Support and Marketing

Senior Consultant                                                                                       Keane Federal Systems
July 1995 – December 1996

·         Provided needed Visual Basic and SQL programming for an office automation project

·         Assisted project Manager in developing schedules and assigning work tasks. 

·         Formulated and monitored work and quality standards.

·         Used ODBC, OLE automation, MS WordBasic to implement office automation features

·         Used Crystal Reports and VB to create a program so users could add new reports without adding new code.


Systems Engineer                                                                                                         Systems Link
Short Term Consultant Contracts:                                                                    March 1995 – July 1995

·          Provided programming guidance to HP-UX based billing system project

·        Developed requested features using both the C programming language and Embedded SQL for an Ingres database

·        Trained other programmers in both C programming and SQL programming.

Senior Technical Consultant                                                                                             

·          Provided SQL and VB programming expertise for a decision support application for the USAID

·          Provided design expertise and data modeling for an Oracle 7 database


MS Windows Development Manager                                                     Micro Research Industries
October 1993 – March 1995

·          Managed all programming and design efforts for products intended for a Microsoft environment

·          Lead programmer for  a VB based office automation and constituent management package for Capitol Hill

·          Used ODBC, MS SQL Server database., API calls and custom dlls

·          Worked with systems engineers and installers to design the production environment


 Software Design Engineer                                                                            Symmetron/ISAR Inc.
July 1988 – October 1993

·          Led the design and development effort for a Visual C++ application to control a complex radar system

·          Evaluated development tools for programming C++ applications in a MS Windows environment

·          Led the design and development effort to provide C based custom software to analyze the radar returns from moving targets

·          Designed and developed parts of a 100,000+ lines of C code application for the analysis of radar returns


LONS VTC Site Manager                                                                          Computer Sciences Corp
October 1986 – June 1988

·          Managed the technical and user support team for a networked office automation system.

·          Performed Unix System administration.

·          Maintained hardware and software configurations for production environment.


Help Desk Coordinator                                                                     LONS Andrews Air Force Base


·          Coordinated user Help Desk for 150–user office automation system.

·          Performed Unix System administration and Unix Shell Script programming.

·          Coordinated software changes with programming staff and installed all new and updated software. 



Syracuse University, 1986 B. A., Mathematics


Citizenship status: U.S. Citizen