AML- A Christmas Carol Date: unknown
From: Aniad (
To:,,,,, mcarson@CapAccess.


Scroll down one page if you've seen this week's episode!

Scully is a mommy! Scully is a mommy! Scully is a mommy! So rings my quiet chant of tonite. No wild and hyper spasms, just quiet, excited, pleased chanting. That actually was a pretty good episode. I haven't been hyper today, so I was only mildly exited.
Wow, what a turn of events!!!! I didn't see that coming at all. Did any of you? Well, I saw it coming at the point where she says "so they tested it against another sample they already had" and I think, who's sample can they have??? OHHhhh....
OK, now what's with her calling Mulder and Mulder showing up in some weird cap????? Confusion! I think they did that just so they can say they have not yet had an episode without Mulder.
Speaking of Mulder... he hasn't told her about her eggs being removed & junk. So how did she figure it out... oh, wait a second... that makes sense... the monthly thingy musta stopped. Yeah.
But next weeks ep looks SO COOL!!! A big mythology ep, looks like. Methinks... who is the father?? Emily obviously isn't an exact clone... Emily is doesn't have red hair, Scully isn't anemic. I dare not trust the teaser, but the question asked, "Are you the mother and father of this child?" I don't think it arallells the casual yet hilarious "You too?" asked to them outside the birth clinic in Small Potatoes. But... Mulder??? Could he??? WOULD he??? I begin to think not nice things... but he HELD her eggs in Memento Mori... I'll shut up now. PLEASE tell me what you guys think!!!! I'm dying to know!!! Could it be? Do you shudder along with me? Write Back Soon!

***Aniad*** :~)

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