Madison, Wisconsin is the city in which I went to college and have called home for the last six years. Here is a brief tour of some of the sites around town. Hope you enjoy your visit.

A view of the Madsion skyline from the opposite side of Lake Monona. The capitol building (left) and Frank Lloyd Wright's Monona Terrace (on the lakefront) can be seen.
This is the capitol dome.
This is a detail from the capitol building.
Bascom Hall
Here is Bascom Hall, administrative building and icon of the school.
A statue of Abe Lincoln in front looking over Bascom Hill.
Union Terrace
The Union Terrace is popular hang out. (Well, not early in the morning, as you can see in this picture.)
Science Hall
Science Hall, home of the geography department.
Science Hall
Frank Lloyd Wright layed bricks for this building when he was a student at UW.
Meeting House
The Unitarian Meeting House designed by (guess who?) Frank Lloyd Wright.
Meeting House
Another exterior view of the meeting house.

A view of the interior.

A detail of the interior.

A detail of light coming in the meeting house. In black and white to look more artsy-fartsy.

Photos by Michael Selby