All About Me.

Real Name: Kristin M.

Stats: 22/black hair, Bangs/Light Brown Eyes/about 5'7"

Date of Birth: December 6th, 1981

Place of Birth: Barrie, Ontario

Current Residence: Newmarket, Ontario

Nickname: Kricket

Sign: Sag.

Parents: Karen and Ed

Sibling and age: Kelly

Necies or Nephews?: One Neice - Ava

School: Georgian College - Graphic Design Student

Best Friend: Jill

Pets & their names: none.

Job: Home Depot - I mix paint.

Hobbies: nope.

Best Advice Ever Given to You: Just Don't Get Caught!(thanks K.B.)

Important Lesson You've Learned: you win some you lose some.

Fave. Quotation: "It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing!"

Dream Car: 1962 Cheavy Impala SS Convertable...Black :)

Dream Vacation: so many place I still need to see.....I'll say Peru

Coolest experience in Life: The night I danced on stage at the Johnny Favorite Swing Orchersta concert!!

Scariest thing that you've ever done: Loved?

Fave. place to be kissed: The Forehead....

Fave. Thing to do in the Spring: Play in the rain!!

Fave. Thing to do in the Summer: boating, and the beach.

Fave. thing to do in the Fall: Play in the leaves

Fave thing to do in the Winter: keep warm.

Little Known talent that you possess: probably nothing....

Most Influential Person: me.

Person(s) You Respect the Most: My Friends, family, and myself

Special Awards You've won: Graphic Design Scholarship Award

Character Traits You look most for in a Person of the opposite sex: open minded, trustworthy, sensitive,
sense of humor, intellectual, thoughtful, common interests, outgoing, And a love for travel!

Pet Peeves: the general public :)

What Do you want to be: me...

Fave music: I have no idea.

Group/singers you dig: Travis, Bif Naked, Big Bad Voodo Daddy, No Doubt, MxPx, Brian Setzer, The Beatles, Dean Martin *l*, a little bit of everything :)

Songs you Enjoy: holy jeez, too many to list...anything by the above bands and some more...

Person who gives the Best hugs: My cuzin Lisa.

Fave Color: Black

Fave Food: ice cream

Least Fave food: hot dogs...yuck!

Funniest People you know: My cousin Bry

Fave sport to play: soccor

Fave sport to watch: Hockey (a true Canadian gal)

Fave books: The War of the Worlds (H.G Wells)

Fave Cartoon Characters: The Crew Of Futurama.

Favorite Actor/Actress: Vince Vaughn/Drew Barrymore

Fave Movies: Swingers, The Wedding Singer, Made, Swing kids, 10 things I hate about you, Signs, Spiderman, Empire Records, Interview With the Vampire, Star wars trilogy, Billy Madison, Singin' in the Rain, Farris Bulers Day off, Joe vs. the valcano, and lots more...

Fave Music Video: "All I Wanna Do Is Rock"-Travis

Fave Animal: Hippo

Fave TV shows: Futurama

Fave Month: May , cuz it rains a lot :)

Fave Holiday: Christmas....

Least Fave Holiday: what isn't a good Holiday??

Fave piece of clothing: My black stuff....

One pillow or two?: 4

Any Romantic Love Interests: If I told you'd know

Piercing or tattoos: negative

Favorite Pop Drink: I don't drink pop. Can you believe it?!?! :)

Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Swiss Army(on boys)

Favorite Website:

Favorite Dacquri Flavor: Strawberry-Bannana (mmmm dacquri)

Favorite Alcoholic Drinks: Anything that has Malibu Rum in it!

Favorite Part of the Opposite Sex: height, hair, and can you dance baby? :)

Have you ever been in love: Yes.

Do you believe in love at first site: yes.

Do you believe in fate/destiny: very much so, but fate can only take you so far.

Most prized possession(s): my neice

Favorite Time of the Day: When I'm dreaming.

Favorite Day of the Week: any day I'm not working.

Favorite Vacation Spot: Anywhere!

Favorite Disney Character: Ariel

Favorite Authors: Anne Rice

Worst Fear: Drowning :(

Favorite Historical Time Period: The 40's!!! Swing time baby!!!

How many kids do you want to have: None :)

Favorite Flavor Of Gum: Juciy Fruit

Do you believe in reincarnation: Yes, I'm an Old Soul

Do you like to dance: More than anything :) Jive, Swing and the Lindy hop!!

If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do: probably kill some people :)

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nope!

If you were stranded on a deserted island with one person, who would you want it to be: Fran Healy of Travis!