Ok, here’s some fanfic I wrote. It’s not very SBR at the moment. Sorry. I plan to add 2 new scenes every week. Now that school’s started I only have time to write in 5th and 7th period between lectures!! Lots of Love to ya’ll! Another Note: Whispers in the Morning pt.1
Dreaming of You<---NEW!!
scenes are divided by **********
[FB] means the intuative flashes Sam gets. What she sees is surrouned by * *'s.
And there's this totally new thing called "Alternate Reality" or "AR" for short. They are branches off the story that go into deeper degrees of SBR, Believer-fic, or Skew-fic. I mostly write them SBR though. There is one in "Whispers" pt.4, tell me what ya think!
Whispers in the Morning pt.2
Whispers in the Morning pt. 3
Whispers in the Morning pt. 4