Emily's Drug Addiction


Emily Bowen Quartermaine came into the Quartermaine family by chance! Monica, Emily's adoptive mother, went to Arizona to get Breast Cancer treatment. While she was there she became good freinds with a woman named Paige Bowen, who also had Breast Cancer. Paige was going to die and she asked Monica if she would take care of her 11 year old daughter Emily. Monica accepted to offer. After Paige died a few days later Emily came home with Monica to the crazy and hectic Quartermaine mansion. After a few years past Emily was totally and completely miserable. When she could not take the fighting and the lying anymore she turned to a boy named Matt Renolds(Jonathan Bouk) who turned her to drugs. Emily got addicted to the drug known as Heroin. Jasper Jax and Ned Ashton found her almost jumping off the roof one night she was so high on drugs. After that Monica and Alan got her help. Matt died of an overdose of Heroin and Emily almost died. Her freinds Lucky Spencer and Nikolas Cassadine helped get her through that rough time in her life.