"Red's House of Weird-Ass Shit"

"Give the people shit!"*

"Red" Proprietor



On the morning of October 8, 2003, a new animal species was discovered in the state of California. Described as a "domesticated pig with wings," these large, flying mammals have swarmed the region, causing confusion and injury statewide. Hundreds of traffic accidents involving the animals have been reported and the public is urged to remain indoors until the Bicoastal United Legitimate League of Sudden Horrific Inducted Tyranny (BULLSHIT) has investigated fully.

It is unknown exactly where these so-called "flying pigs" originated, or why they all appeared -- seemingly out of nowhere -- on the same day. It is believed, however, that they were conceived on January 20, 2001 -- ironically, the same day President George W. Bush took office. Some scientists are speculating that the pigs may have an unusually long gestation period and were only just born yesterday.

Although preliminary studies indicate they are harmless, the public is urged to exercise extreme caution around these newly discovered, winged pigs.


Previous Episodes:
 Episode I 
Episode II
Episode V

"No shoes, no shirt, bad odor."
Don't forget to join my fabulously wonderful mailing list:
Red's list is for exceptionally odd people who find fun and enjoyment in the strange occurences of daily life. Lovers of sarcasm and sardonic wit are welcome here. Unusually happy people are not. Morons should find another outlet for their emotions, as well as people who simply cannot take a joke. Red reserves the right to refuse service to any and every one.

Rather Amusing Places to Muddle Through:


 Fuzzy Bunnies

Quote of the day: "I'd rather be fondled by Arnie than bent over by Davis." -- Sign at a Schwarzenegger rally.

Previous Quotes

*** A Visa is not a check card. ***

Coming Soon: "Red's House of Weird-Ass Photos" I can't wait! Wait, yes, yes I can.

* Max Prince