Elite Players Alliance

EPA began in 2001, started by five players: Mongoose (the GM), Menya, Soultaker, Greylock, and Viruk. They quickly came to prominence in the game, rating as the top guild for the next year or so. In the beginning of 2002, tragedy struck when news came that Mongoose (who had been deployed to Afghanistan) was reported as killed in action. his brother Shawn took over, though he had little experience in MRA; he left a few months later, and Greylock took over. He left shortly thereafter for personal reasons, then a series of GMs ran the guild until Tristorn took over, giving them a sense of stability and letting the guild grow once more.

It was about this time that Mongoose returned - he had only been wounded, not killed. Little else of note happened until the end of 2003, when Zartan (from OCP) and a group of players from the EPA joined together to form a new guild, the Veterans of Combat (VOC). EPA was gutted, leaving only Viruk and Glauss, and a few newer players. Viruk took over the GM's position and, with the help of Konundrum (since retired), Harmony, and Rasputin, worked hard to rebuild the guild to its former glory. Now EPA is once again one of the more powwerful and prominent guilds, with many members in the top 50 players of MRA, and many of lesser stature as well.

Entry Requirements: Level 40; must be sponsored; must have the support of a majority of members; must have all officers vote in favor of your joining.

Website: http://epa1.freefronthost.com

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Thanks to Viruk for providing this information.