Well, this was kind of cool. Being a teenager myself, I found it to be an intriguing plot. The idea of being able to move that quickly was really cool. Okay, the opening murder? Yuck. But I still do not see how Max was able to do that much damage with the flashlight. I can believe the depth to which the blow penetrated, but the guy's entire face was smashed in. That flashlight simply could not cover that much area, not in a single blow. So that was a little odd.
First off, being from Philly, I'd like to comment on some of the stuff Tony's mom said. She said they left to get away from 'bad schools'. 'Scuse me, but if her kid worked hard and was bright, Philly has some really excellent public schools. Second, his mom was not speaking with a Philly accent (Tony's was neutral). Sorry, but I am very quick to jump to the defence of my city. I go to a school in Philly's suburbs where I'm costantly defending the city, since that's where I live. Anyway, back on track, Mulder was the only one to notice the streak on the tape when Max came to get the flashlight. It was like in 'Shadows', in the 1st season. He did the same exact thing. Then, when they colorized the tape, why were the colors the school colors? Max only ever wore that black coat of his. Did Chastity do the theiving for her boyfriend? Second death scene was equally gruesome. What exactly happened to the teacher's hands? Wasn't that Tony's table that Max threw at the teacher? The boy always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyway, Max just had that really cruel look on his face, it was scary. The actor did a good job. Oh, and another thing. While the actor that played Tony could pass for sixteen, being of that age group, I think Chastity and Max were just a little too old to be believably sixteen (although I guess you could argue they've been held back a couple years for being slackers). Max sure does have an authority problem. Notice, there was no mother in his family, which would probably have been brought up had there been time. When Max tried to kill his dad? Go Tony!! I just wish he had shot him then. Oh, well. I wonder what Max actually did to Chastity when she 'took a swing' at him. Then, go Chastity! She got rid of the fiendish Max, but too bad she sacrificed herself. The ending graphics sequence was good. Tony just keeps ending up in the wrong place! He is found with 2 dead bodies! Time for some new friends. Mulder and Scully, I thought, didn't do enough in the episode, but otherwise, overall, pretty cool.