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Picture of Mike Woodard

This is my page about me. Here's you'll find a brief bio, my resume, links to my other sites, and some items I've found of interest.


SyberSpawn is a catch all site. It's mostly just links to other things.


TekRealm is a SciFi RPG site. Here I keep my ideas for the campaign setting for TekRealm known as the Terran Galaxy, as well as some tools for randomly generated stars and planets, a system for creating SciFi star ships, and more.


Furth is a fantasy RPG site. Furth is a psuedo-nym for Fantasy Earth, based in the late medievil to early renisaiance erra, during the time of the War of the Roses in England. It has some simplified maps and outlines for the major powers (empires) of the time. It's great because it's easy to find realy historical information about the people, places, religions, and technologies of the erra.
I do use a variety fo religions in the campaing, did away with racial laguages and use regional languages, and have different currencies for the various nations.

Woody's Worlds

More on fantasy RPG, based on the AD&D gaming system. Some day I'll update this stuff for D&D but for now there still useful information for campaign settings, and ideas for special skills, talents, and classes.


This is an extract of a start chart, of our stars, that was originally available on the National Geographic website.

ParkWood Home

This is my attempt at a web-site about my family. I need to work on my relatives a bit to get some more input that I can include on the site. Not much here now, except a decent idea.

MGM Class of 1976

My high-school graduating class got together and started an online reunion. I built on that and created a website. If you are a member of the 1976 graduating class from Mary G. Montgomery class, then check out the site. It has a link that will let you apply to join our e-mail group. It is an active group, I receive e-mail daily.