Land Ownership in the Nordic Region


Doom Solig
2700 acres
104 units of Gold
730 units of Silver


Seraphine Solig

2120 acres
92 units of Gold
603 units of Silver


Tusk Pere Solig

880 acres
56 units of Gold
292 units of Silver


Caia Solig

790 acres
38 units of Gold
189 units of Silver


Toreena McLeod

800 acres
42 units of Gold
261 units of Silver


Skald Isberg

300 acres
35units of Gold
160 units of Silver


Rollo the Varangian

235 acres
15 units of Gold
101 units of Silver


Erik Leifson

335 acres
36 units of Gold
127 units of Silver


Thorfinn Urlison

100 acres
15 units of Gold
35 units of Silver


Kasha Auldwulf

60 acres
15 units of Gold
35 units of Silver


Norman Knights

42 acres
0 units of Gold
10 units of Silver


Sir Henri

180 acres
15 units of Gold
35 units of Silver


Sir Jules

80 acres


Sir Roger

80 acres



260 acres
11 units of Gold
90 units of Silver


Boan Garsig

60 acres
0 units of Gold
20 units of Silver


Valahna Garsig

110 acres
15 units of Gold
50 units of Silver



90 acres
5 units of Gold
20 units of Silver


Sven Tyrsson

65 acres
2 units of Gold
20 units of Silver



100 acres
3 units of Gold
10 units of Silver


Meagan Solig

180 acres

Per Gunnerson

10 acres
0 units of Gold
10 units of Silver


Kia Garsig

Blue Orca Tavern
5 acres
0 units of Gold


Lars of Svarberg

100 acres



100 acres


Johan Atleson

60 acres
10 head of cattle



100 acres