
“What is the duty of a slave girl,” I inquired.
“Absolute obedience,” she said, frightened.
“What are you?” I inquired.
“A slave girl,” she said.
“What is your duty?” I asked.
“Absolute obedience,” she cried out.
Hunters of Gor - Page 258

"And what are the duties of a slave?" I asked.
"She will learn that from her master," she said. "Typically, she will cook and clean for him, and shop for him, and launder and sew for him, such things."
. . .
"But are there no other duties?" I asked.
"A girl's first duty, of course, Master," she said, "is to be pleasing to her Master."
"In what way?" I asked.
"In any, and every way, of course, Master," she said shyly.
Vagabonds of Gor - Page 443

The major duty of a slave girl, I suspected, was not to cook, or sew, or launder, but to give men lengthy, profound and exquisite pleasures, such as only a beautiful female could give a man, to be to him whatever he might wish, and to give to him all that he might command, and, to the extent of her beauty, ingenuity and imagination, a thousand times more.
Slave Girl of Gor - Page 69

“You must, accordingly, strive to understand, relate to, serve and please the unique master in each man. You must bring your own individual personalities and talents to bear on his challenge. Try in your uniqueness to be perfect and special for him in his uniqueness. Read him. Learn him. Become acutely aware of him. Be sensitive to his moods, and his changes. Find out what he wants from you, and then see that he gets it, and more. Find out what he wants you to be and then be it, beyond his wildest dreams. Remember that you are the slave. You exist for his service and pleasure.”
Kajira of Gor - Page 293

"What hangs upon the wall?" a master might ask.
"The slave whip, Master," she responds. "How may I be more pleasing?"
Players of Gor - Page 25