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An On-Line Dragonlance© Campaign


Solace Characters

Tour of Solace

History of Solace RPG

History of Krynn

Maps, Magic, Guilds

Solace Rules

Solace RPG Board

Dragonlance Webrings and Links


Within the tall vallenwood trees rests a town of magick, mystery, danger, and adventure... the town of legend... the town of heroes... Solace.


Solace is an on-line RPG based on the world of Dragonlance© an Advanced Dungeons and Dragons® game immortalized in novelization by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, with help from all the folks at TSR.

The Solace campaign was established in 1994, and moved to the web in 1998. We're always looking for new players to join our game world, which is played on-line at the Delphi Forums.  We are a community of writers who play on a message board environment, scribing the tales of our new heroes and villains...

To join, check out the rules by clicking on the menu to the left, and then head to our Information Forum by clicking Here

Last update: January 02, 2004


DragonLance© is a copyright of Wizards of the Coast. We are in no way trying to rip WotC off by using the DragonLance name. This site is for entertainment purposes only. Have a nice day.

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