Click on Derrek to view transformation

Derrek started losing his hair at the age of 32.  Now, only eight years later the momentum of the loss left only a few strands running down the center of the top of his scalp.  Adding another blow to his vanity was the fact he also started going gray before even hitting 30.
Small appearances of the silver sprouted standing out among the otherwise dark sea.  These same hairs, along with the ones missing, resulted in a reflection looking older than the chronological age of its owner.

For his 40th birthday Derred gave to himself a present he hoped would improve that reflection.  He had found on the net, under homeopathic remedies, a special herb which would impede the loss of hir and in some cased, promote growth.  Looking further he found another herb would stimulate hir roots to re-produce pigmentation in growing follicles.
Upon delivery the box containing the herbs arrived badly damaged and had been re-sealed with tape provided by the postal service.  Everything seemed to be in order, two plastic bags each containing the two herbs, and of course, the invocie.  He remember the web page stated a tea spoon of each would be needed to make a cup of tea.  What it did not state, wand what was missing from the damaged carton was a warning
not to mix the herbs.
The hot mixture had a strange acidic quality to it that caused an even stranger tingling sensation when swallowed.  Derrek paid no mind to it and went to sleep.  In the morning he sprang from bed surprised that he awoke over an hour early yet with more energy than usual.  Ravenous he made himself a large breakfast and decided to have another cup of tea.  It was while he waited for the water to boil he noticed his pajama pants seemed looser but owed ti to a stretched-out elastic band.  He made a mental note to buy a new pair.
In the shower as he soaped up he noticed how the water had darkened his pubic hair, hiding the stray gray.  He smiled and thought if the tea would conquer that problem as well.
Briskly he dried off but felt a chill causing the hairs on his legs to stand on end.  He wrapped the towel around his waist and shaved.  It was after he rinsed off his face and ran his fingers down his cheeks and across his chin he noticed a loss of weight.  Maybe it wasn't a stretched-out waist band on his pajamas after all?  Strange, he hadn't noticed his regular pants fitting badly.
Still concerned, he reached for the hair dryer and pointed it to the back of his head.  Working his way around he brushed back the hair on the sides of his head feeling a difference.  Was it his imagination or did it seem thicker?
Fuller!  Yes, it was!  The line hairs running down the top portion of his scalp were more pronounced.  Just a few, but noticeable all the same.  And it didn't stop there, his hairline had moved ... forward.
He scalp began to itch and with it more hair sprouted, growing right before his eyes.  Like a wave it moved forward, a dark thinkening that grew in length at the same time.  The tingling Derrek felt from the tea returned causing his entire body to respond with a tightening of all the muscles in his body.  As his legs stiffened dimples appeared on his butt and a firmeness enhanced and lifed their appearance.  Next the towel wrapped around his waist slipped.  Derrek looked down noticing his waist line was indeed smaller, and getting trimmer still.  An inconceivable notion entered his mind as he thought he noticed the hairs surrounding his penis were still dark in color, though not wet.
When he raised his line of sight to the mirror it wasn't his continued hair growth that he noticed now it was the slowly disappearing amount of gray.  Not only was his hiar grwoing back, it was all returning back to the dark rich brown color he had -
years ago!  Which meant he wasn't just regaining his hair he was getting younger!
Now his attention was taken by facial changes.  Lines faded, the muscles tone lost was regained tightening flesh and smoothiening it.  Itwas like a film played backwards, each change an improvement over the last. 
With all the gray gone and his hiair line returned Derrek knew he was chronologically younger than 30.  The thought sent a wave of pleasure through him and his newly rejuvenated body responded with an erection harder than one he had known for years.  He  responded to it, and his reflection.  He was once again a handsome 28 year-old man.  The mirror didn't lie.  Nor did the ever increasing pleasure he held in the grip of his right hand.