What is Cyberpunk?
Cyberpunk! Star Wars! Natalie Portman! Mozart! Long live the Force!
James Erickson's site
My favorite sites:
Episode I snapshot pics:
Star Wars Official Web Site
Star Wars Modeling Alliance
Gungans warriors emerging from Naboo swamp
Everclear Official Website
Qui Gon making a deal with Watto
Obi Wan stoped by energy beam
MSN Gaming Zone
A watch on Anakins pod
Ben Quadinarous in his pod
Hello. Thanks for dropping by. I am James Erickson as you should have seen at the top of the page. We all know that Star Wars rocks and that it left star trek in the dust long ago. My e-mail is erickson7712@yahoo.com and feel free to give me any suggestions on what else to put on my site. I just have to say hi to Jason Howe, my Jedi Padawan and friend. Here are MY five levels of infinty: 1. Alef-null 2. Alef-one 3. Epsilon-Zero 4. Absolute-Zero and 5. Absolute-Infinty. Well, not like you care or anything but oh well. Oh, those two pictures of a saber duel on the mining station and Jabba the Hutt were totally random. Well, I can't think of anything else to say right now. Remember, I am not finished with my Website yet.

-James Erickson