Power Rangers Episode List

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers - Season One

NOTE: the first 3 numbers in the episode numbers represent the total episodes in each PR series. The second 3 numbers represent the Fox Kids show number.

001-101: "Day of the Dumpster"                                                  FIRST AIRED: 8/28/1993
002-102: "High Five"                                                                     FIRST AIRED: 8/30/1993
003-103: "Teamwork"                                                                   FIRST AIRED: 9/1/1993
004-104: "A Pressing Engagement"                                               FIRST AIRED: 9/2/1993
005-105: "Different Drum"                                                           FIRST AIRED: 9/3/1993
006-106: "Food Fight"                                                                  FIRST AIRED: 9/4/1993
007-109: "I, Eyeguy"                                                                    FIRST AIRED: 10/1/1993
008-121: "Power Ranger Punks"                                                  FIRST AIRED: 9/20/1993
009-128: "Peace,Love, and Woe"                                                 FIRST AIRED: 9/21/1993
010-110: "Foul Play in the Sky"                                                  FIRST AIRED: 9/22/1993
011-111: "For Whom the Bell Trolls"                                          FIRST AIRED: 9/15/1993
012-112: "Happy Birthday, Zack"                                              FIRST AIRED: 9/16/1993
013-113: "No Clowning Around"                                                FIRST AIRED: 9/17/1993
014-129: "Dark Warrior"                                                             FIRST AIRED: 9/28/1993
015-108: "Switching Places"                                                        FIRST AIRED: 11/4/1993
016-107: "Big Sisters"                                                                 FIRST AIRED: 9/6/1993
017-114: "Green With Evil, Part 1: Out Of Control"                 FIRST AIRED: 10/5/1993
018-115: "Green With Evil, Part 2: Jason's Battle"                    FIRST AIRED: 10/6/1993
019-116: "Green With Evil, Part 3: The Rescue"                       FIRST AIRED: 10/7/1993
020-117: "Green With Evil, Part 4: Eclipsing Megazord"         FIRST AIRED: 10/8/1993
021-118: "Green With Evil, Part 5: Breaking The Spell"           FIRST AIRED: 10/9/1993
022-119: "The Trouble with Shellshock"                                   FIRST AIRED: 10/11/1993
023-120: "Itsy Bitsy Spider"                                                     FIRST AIRED: 10/12/1993
024-122: "The Spitflower"                                                         FIRST AIRED: 10/19/1993
025-123: "Life's a Masquerade"                                                 FIRST AIRED: 10/30/1993
026-124: "Gung Ho!"                                                                FIRST AIRED: 10/25/1993
027-127: "Wheel of Misfortune"                                              FIRST AIRED: 11/1/1993
028-125: "Land of Illusion, Part 1"                                           FIRST AIRED: 11/2/1993
029-126: "Land of Illusion, Part 2"                                           FIRST AIRED: 11/3/1993
030-130: "The Rockstar"                                                          FIRST AIRED: 11/4/1993
031-131: "Kalamity Kimberly"                                                FIRST AIRED: 11/5/1993
032-132: "A Star Is Born"                                                        FIRST AIRED: 11/15/1993
033-133: "The Yolk's On You"                                                FIRST AIRED: 11/16/1993
034-134: "The Green Candle, Part 1"                                      FIRST AIRED: 11/17/1993
035-135: "The Green Candle, Part 2"                                      FIRST AIRED: 11/18/1993
036-136: "Birds Of A Feather"                                                FIRST AIRED: 11/19/1993
037-137: "Clean Up Club"                                                       FIRST AIRED: 11/20/1993
038-138: "A Bad Reflection on You"                                       FIRST AIRED: 11/22/1993
039-139: "Doomsday, Part 1"                                                  FIRST AIRED: 11/23/1993
040-140: "Doomsday, Part 2"                                                  FIRST AIRED: 11/24/1993
041-141: "A Pig Surprise"                                                        FIRST AIRED: 2/8/1994
042-142: "Lions and Buzzards"                                               FIRST AIRED: 2/10/1994
043-143: "Rita's Seeds of Evil"                                                FIRST AIRED: 2/15/1994
044-144: "Crystal of Nightmares"                                           FIRST AIRED: 2/21/1994
045-145: "Something Fishy"                                                    FIRST AIRED: 2/9/1994
046-146: "To Flea of Not to Flee"                                           FIRST AIRED: 2/16/1994
047-147: "Reign Of The Jellyfish"                                          FIRST AIRED: 2/17/1994
048-148: "Plague Of The Mantis"                                           FIRST AIRED: 2/24/1994
049-149: "Return Of An Old Friend, Part 1"                          FIRST AIRED: 2/28/1994
050-150: "Return Of An Old Friend, Part 2"                          FIRST AIRED: 3/1/1994
051-151: "Grumble Bee"                                                         FIRST AIRED: 4/28/1994
052-152: "Two Heads Are Better Than One"                        FIRST AIRED: 4/29/1994
053-153: "Fowl Play"                                                             FIRST AIRED: 5/2/1994
054-154: "Enter: The Lizzinator"                                           FIRST AIRED: 5/6/1994
055-155: "Trick Or Treat"                                                      FIRST AIRED: 5/3/1994
056-156: "On Fins and Needles"                                            FIRST AIRED: 5/5/1994
057-157: "Second Chance"                                                     FIRST AIRED: 5/4/1994
058-158: "Football Season"                                                    FIRST AIRED: 5/9/1994
059-159: "Mighty Morphin' Mutants"                                  FIRST AIRED: 5/16/1994
060-160: "An Oyster Stew"                                                   FIRST AIRED: 5/23/1994

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