RhyDin can be very confusing if you don't know what anything means.. this can help you if yer ever challanged...or if yer applying to a guild. Also be careful what your gettin yerself into... you never know when yer gonna end up dead or a slave. Here are the most common abbrivations used:

AA- Assissation Attempt
SM- Slave Match
RM- Release or "Re" Match
HM- Honor Match
DM- Death Match
MS- Mass Spar
Proctor- Person who keeps score
MUN- person behind the char.
Char.- Chatacter
IC- In Character
OOC- Out Of Character
:: ::- Actions
((  ))- OOC statements
TA- Thievery Attempt
PoW- Prisionar of War
REZZ- Resurection
Spar- Fight between 2 people
IRL - In Real Life

That's most of the terms I can think of right now. You'd never believe it, but they do show up quite often. As for dice... that's another story....

RP Intro
