Posted by Jeanne Rose on Wednesday, 15 July 1998, at 9:47 p.m., in response to Amanda gets a conscience - what do you think? (spoilers and loooong), posted by margaret, recovering from sprain when jaw dropped at AP's post on Wednesday, 15 July 1998, at 6:04 p.m.
You make a good case for Amanda having changed over the course of the series. I agree that she started out very self-centered but has had several experiences that have made her a little more sensitive to others. I personally think she was never really a bad person, just used to looking out for herself and conveniently ignoring other people's point of view. The fact that she continued to "use" Duncan after all those years (he got her out of the Turkish situation but she still framed him at the Bavarian inn) in a tribute to her long-standing blind assumption that no one will get hurt at her expense. I agree that "the Colonel" was definitely a reality check for her, and the ep with Kenny coming back showed her longing for motherhood, and by Dramatic License she was jokingly plotting Carolyn's death at first, and fighting hard for her relationship with Duncan, but is able to show compassion and ends up saving the situation in the end. In FUOT she mentions Duncan's influence, which has certainly been instrumental in her character growth.
One you didn't mention was Methuselah's Gift, in which she won't believe that Methos isn't after her until his impassioned dialogue about Alexa, after which she puts down her sword, tells him she's sorry, puts an arm around his shoulder and lets him cry, and then helps him steal the crystals. And gives them up to save his life. I believe I have read that Elizabeth Gracen thought that Amanda was smart enough to have "gotten a clue" about life before now. So I welcome the idea that perhaps she has learned a thing or two, and wants to find some meaning in her life other than just stealing jewels and such. I think she can still be *Amanda* and do that.
Thanks for your thoughts.