The Wonderful World of Trek

Sev Trek header
Sev Trek - cartoon spoofs of
                         Star Trek. Copyright 1997 by John Cook.
Sev Trek
                  Competition header
Sev Trek Cartoon Competition. Copyright 1999 by John Cook.

This Site was Updated:February 24, 2001

Hi Everyone!!!

Welcome to my page of Trek!! Im happy to be known as a Trekkie! Some of my pages are up and running though some are still under construction. More will be added soon!!!!

I HAVE A FANFICTION CONTEST!!! k, this contest has gone on FOREVER! I want to get it over with. So, Ive upped the prize a bit. No only do you get the book, you get one of my many, still in the origional casing, Star Trek Action figures. So, send in your entries ASAP! Click here to find out how to Win

Heres my Tribble! His name is Zowie!

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