  • Pyla-Gon Jinn- a former thief and current Jedi Knight, she spends most of her time half out of it. And no, she's not on anything, she just has a lousy attention span and doesn't pay attention. But not at the expense of the moment, Reea-Wan!
  • Reea-Wan Kenobi- Pyla-Gon Jinn's apprentice and friend. Former historian and dancer, (not that kind of dancer... filthy minded fiends).

  • Jar-Jar Binks- An amphibious klutz and generic coward. Comic relief of the first degree.

  • Darth Maul- Sinister, deadly, and kinda weird looking from all those tattoos on his face. He is loyal to his master, Darth Sidious.
  • Darth Sidious- otherwise known as the Emperor of the... um... Empire, as shown in episodes IV, V, and VI. And for those of you who have a problem with Roman Numerals, that translates as 4, 5, and 6. And before any of you start mailing us saying: but he's someone else too! Didn't you know, you goobers? We do know. However, some of you out there do not, and we didn't want to ruin the surprise for them when they finally sprouted a brain.

Note:  Origenal Characters belong to Mr. Lucas, but Reea Tiglah AND Pyla Kat are ours.  The origenal idea of STAR WARS belongs to Mr. Lucas too.  If you didn't already know that then....where have you been???  Oh, if a Candy and an Eve pop up, their ours too.
