Welcome to Kandi's Korner

Hi! Welcome to Kandi's Korner!
If you've been here before or
used a link to enter, refresh/reload
the page as I have made several
changes. If this is your 1st visit,
you're in for a treat!
~ I hope...*g* ~
In either case grab your coffee
and your favorite snack,
sit back, relax and have a
great time; but don't forget
to bookmark the page...
you might not get to it all
in one day.
Please sign my guestbook
before you leave! :)

Look, but don't steal
graphic by Cynthia
Please ask...
If you feel you must "borrow" my work.
Do not link to graphics on this site.
Bandwidth stealing will NOT be tolerated!
Please give credit where it's due & provide a
link back to this or the appropriate site!

My Favorite Poems!

More of my favorites!

A tribute to...SlvrWings1
Please visit his beautiful sites.

The heroic story of baby, David Fink;
kidnapped by his abusive, fanatic parents.
Found by the Grace of God!

Fun Links & Other Stuff!

Awards that have been graciously given to me.
I truly appreciate these as I do not generally
apply for awards from other sites.

Thank you so very much to all the judges!

Looking for the
Best Wav Manager


Don't forget to stop & smell the flowers!

Please take a moment to sign my guestbook!
Thanks and come back soon!

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This WareHouse of Pages/Blend of the Future site owned by Kandi .
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Midi is Remember
courtesy of

copyright © Bruce DeBoer

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This is me!

These pages are designed & created by Kandi,
Backgrounds & graphics are copyrighted
by me, Kandi; unless otherwise noted.
HTML is hand coded, no web publishers are used.
copyright © 1998-2004
All rights reserved...on All Pages herein!

All Java Script is courtesy of Anfy Java
Bunny graphic courtesy of 'ToonLand

FastCounter by bCentral

email me: Kandi