Offer and acceptance of marriage (Akad Nikah)
Marriage for Muslims is based on Islamic law. Offer and acceptance
of marriage, also known as akad nikah is the most important thing
in Malay wedding. Without this, one’s marriage is not considered valid
or ‘sah’ to Islamic point of view. In this offer and acceptance of
marriage ceremony, ‘imam’ or ‘kadhi’ ,a religious official of the
Syariat Court, who represents bride’s side will offer marriage to
the groom. In olden days, it was customary for the bride’s biological
father to perform this function. The exact dialogue is :
Kadhi: I marry thee to (so and so) with the mas kahwin of RM (depend
on which state) (“Aku nikahkan engkau dengan (disebut nama pengantin
perempuan) dengan mas kahwin (disebut jumlahnya) tunai/hutang”)
Groom then will accept the marriage.
Groom: I accept this marriage with (so and so) with the mas kahwin
of RM _____ (“ Aku terima nikahnya dengan (disebut nama pengantin
perempuan) dengan mas kahwin (disebut jumlahnya) tunai/hutang.)
A small sum of money called the mas kahwin seals the contract. This
‘akad nikah’ should be articulated clearly so that imam and two witnesses
hear and are satisfied with it. If everybody agrees, then only the
‘akad nikah’ effectively forges the union. After this is being done,
imam will read ‘khutbah nikah’ which contain the responsibilities
for both the husband and the wife in a family.
In certain state, both groom and the bride has to sign marriage contract
(surat perjanjian nikah). This ceremony is end with prayer and feast.
In addition, this ‘akad nikah’ often take place at the bride’s place.
The recent trend, though, is to hold the solemnization in the mosque
as was performed during the Prophet Muhammad’s time.
Beautification Rite
Berandam or beautification rite is a ceremony to make the bride more
beautiful or ‘menaikkan seri’. Beside that , beautification rite is
to throw away the bad luck or ‘sial’ that may be reside on the bride
in order to avoid something bad happen to the bride during the wedding
day. Usually this ceremony been carried out a few days before the
wedding day.
The ceremony is carried out by a woman that is expert in this ceremony.
The woman is known as ‘Mak Andam’. She also experts in ‘jampi serapah’.
During the ceremony the bride will have her forehead’s hair shaved,
manicure and pedicure, facial hair been shaved together with some
specific body parts, shaved the eye brow , and the teeth are sharpened
with some special sharpener. After that, the bride will have her hair
washed and showered with water that has been add with some lime juice
‘ perahan limau purut’.
The bride will ‘ dilangir’ or smear with ‘bedak sejuk’. To make the
bride more beautiful the Mak Andam will say some prayer, ‘selawat’
and ‘jampi serapah’.
There are some superstitious that the bride must follow after the
ceremony, for example cannot see the mirror or walk on the ground
for a few day until the wedding day. By doing that, it is believed
that the bride is prevented from something bad because the bad luck
that she own has been thrown away.
Nowadays, beautification rite is still available but there are some
minor changes. Mak Andam prefer to make up the bride with modern make
up. However, some of the traditional ritual stated above is still
Berinai ( henna application)
One of the ceremony in Malay wedding that is still being practice
on this days is “berinai” or henna application. There are two types
of “berinai”, small hennaed (berinai kecil) and large hennaed (berinai
“Berinai kecil” means the bride’s palms and feet are ‘decorated’
with the dye from the henna leaves. The next day, the bride’s palms
and feet will stay red and last for months. “berinai kecil” is held
two or three days before or on the wedding day.
“Berinai besar” means hennaed ceremony that held when the bridal
is sitting in state on their wedding day. The relatives and guests
will put the dye on the bride and groom’s palms.
Sometimes this is followed by the “tukar pakaian” (costume changes)
and the bride and, less often, the groom will don different clothes
for photography. The “pelamin” (raised dais) will be beautifully decorated
for the purpose.