
Special Abilities

Vulcan ears give them a distinct advantage in hearing over Humans. Treat this as the Merit: Acute Hearing

Vulcans are exceedingly Strong, due in part to their world's heavier than average gravity and their physiology. Vulcans perform all physical tests related to strength as if they had an additional five physical traits.

Vulcans are considered to be unfeeling and totally unemotional by other species. Their quick intelligence and logical mind gives them the traits: Logical x4 in addition to any other mental abilities they would normally select. This logic comes at a price however. They are three traits down in all social and mental challenges having to do with emotion. They can only purchase the traits: Empathetic, Intuitive, Compationate, Genial, Seductive or Witty if they do so at triple cost.

Vulcans show an extreme degree of Psionic potential. They need only purchase the merit PSIONIC POTENTIAL (Cost of only 1 deveopment point for Vulcans) to gain the first two levels of the Discipline: Mindmeld.

Vulcans also have the ability to preform the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. This is a standard Brawling attack, with their Opponent being +3 traits for the test. If sucessful the target is rendered Unconcious for 5-15 minutes. (Treat as Incapacitated for action purposes but there is no physical damage to the victem. (note that except under extenuating circumstances, this is not a 'strength based test' (see above)

Status Concerns

Due to the Vulcan cultural stigma against violence, Vulcans also suffer three-times the status loss for penalties associated with an act of violence.

Due to the common mispercption that Vulcans cannot lie, they start with the status trait: Trusted

Social Issues




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