Gods Alternative names Description
Amun Ammon, Amen, Amon King of the Gods
Anubis Anpu God of mummification, protector of tombs, often represented as having a dogs head.
Aton Aten Sun god, later made chief and only god (for a short time)
Atum Tem, Tum Creator of gods and men
Bast Bastet, Ubasti Goddess of music and dance
Bes Bisu Originally potector of the royal house, later god of recreation
Buto Edjo, Udjo, Wadjet, Wadjit Goddess of Lower Egypt and defender of the King
Geb Keb, Seb God of the earth
Hapi Hap, Hep, Apis God of the Nile
Hathor Athyr Originally a personification of the sky, also goddess of love and festivity
Horus Hor Originally the god of Lower Egypt, later identified with the reigning King 
Isis Aset, Eset Queen of the gods
Khenty-Imentiu Khenti-Amentiu Warrior god, god of the underworld before Osiris
Khnum Khnemu God of the cataract region, earlier associated with the underworld
Khons Khensu, Khonsu, Chons Moon god
Ma'at Mayet Goddess of law, truth, and justice
Min Mentu, Month God of fertility and harvest
Nefertum Nefertem, Nefertemu War god of Upper Egypt, also lord of the sky with Re
Neith Neit God of the lotus
Nekhbet  Nekhebet Goddess of the loom and war
Nut Neuth, Nuit Protectress of childbirth
goddess of the sky
Osiris Usire Originally fertility god, later supreme god, king of the underworld
Ptah Phtah God of fertility, creator of the universe
Re   Phra, Ra King of the gods, chief state god
Sati Satet, Satis Goddess of the inundation and fertility
Seker Sokar, Sokaris God of darkness and decay
Seshat  Sesheta Goddess of writing and history
Shu   Apet, Opet, God of light and supporter of the sky
Taurt Tawaret, Goddess of maternity
Thoth Thoueris
A moon-god, the god of wisdom, justice, and writing,
and patron of the science
for Egyptian myths, see the Ancient Library
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