Fragagria vesca
Appearance: 5-20 cm tall. Plant with offshoots; stems hairy; leaves per three; flowers on seperate stems, white; fruit red with green small seeds on the outside.
Landscape: gardens; woodstrawberry: woods, bushes, fields and along roads.
Flowering time: early summer (may-june) after that the fruit appears.
Care: Once the strawberry grows, the offshoots will spread out over the ground and keep claiming territory. The strawberry needs little care.
Contains: phosphorus, lime, sodium, silicic acid, sulphur, tannic acid, iodine and iron.
Use: The strawberry is very purifying, which causes rashes with some people. To prevent this reaction, eat the strawberry in combination with dairy-products. Do not stop eating strawberries, it is especially those people who have rashes from strawberry, who need the cleaning of the blood that the strawberry causes. Both the leaves and the fruit clear the mind, calm the nerves and are constringent. A bruised strawberry makes a healthy facial mask (it contracts the skin and removes spots). Make tea from the young leaves, perhaps combined with bramble-leaves, woodruff and a rose petal (of a pink rose). This tea is purgative, heals constipation in the lower part of the body and is a remedy against haemorrhoids, anaemia, rheumatism and gout-stones.