High Technology Weapons in The Early 1900 Era for AD&D

    This Era covers what is just beyond the standard AD&D technologies reaches, and up close to our modern times. I'll count the arquebus and later versions part of this era as it might not work in a Magic-dedicated area. Of the more notable things that happens in this era is the invention of the early airplanes, such as the Zeppelin, the 2-decker airplanes of World War 1, the Spitfire of World War 2. Closer to ground do we see Steam-trains, automobiles moving a 15km/h (~8miles/h).

All those marked* with an "*" is described in The Complete Guide to RPG Technology*
Bold marked is my own work. Italic is reserved for those from the Net that would like to contribute.

Era: Early 1900







Range in Yards


WSM (Speed)








Notes 1


Cost (cr)





19th Century Weapons
.22 "Derringer" ss-c 1 3 6 10 15 A 1 1,2,4 9
.22 Revolver rv 3 8 50 115 1500 A 1 6 8
.25 Early Auto sa/c F 1 5 12
.30 Revolver rv A 1 6 9
.30 Early Auto sa/c F 1 5 16* *.30 cal Early Automatics include Mausers etc, that used a variety of Rifle Round.
.32 Revolver 6 10
.35 Early Auto 8 12
.36 Revolver 6 12
.38 Revolver 6 15
.38 "Derringer" 1 20
.44 Revolver 6 20-24
.45 Revolver 6 18-20
.303 Bolt Action ba 3 8 100 200 3000 A 1 5 28
.44 Lever Action m 2 10 34
.45 Single Shot 1 1 42
.50 Single Shot 1 1 50

WWII handgrenade

1 3 6 9 - A 80 +1d20 Fragmentation** ( 5yd rad)

(Civil war) Haynes " Excelsior" Percussion Grenade

1 3 7 10 - S 60 +1d10 Fragmentation** (2yd rad)
**vs Breath Weapon for ½

rv = Revolving
ss = Single Shot
at = Automatic
ab = Auto Bolt
/c = continues (auto)
ba = Bolt Action
m = manual
sa = Single Auto
cr: Is used for credit, or monetary amount. As it is not always good to know the price in AD&D gold (gp) as the price most likely would high at best and incompatible in most cases. I will let it be up to the DM to find a exchange rate from Credit(cr) to Gold Pieces(gp).