Social Class and Inheritance.

All characters except priest must determine their social class by randomly determining in on the following chart or by using the chart that their kit has. In either event, the result of the roll will affect the gold the character starts with as well as any additional significant heirlooms or possessions.

Table 40 from Skills and Powers, extended.

(Table 4) on Table 4.

2d6 roll Social Rank Die Rolled on Special Items

Number of Rolls

2 - 3 Lower Class d6 1
4 - 7 Lower Middle Class d10 d3
8 - 10 Upper Middle Class d12 d4+1
11 - 12 Upper Class d12 + d10 d6+1

Table 3: Starting Money

Class Warriors Mages Rogues
Lower 3d4 x 10gp 1d4 x 10gp 1d6 x 10gp
Lower Middle 5d4 x 10gp (1d4+1) x 10gp 2d6 x 10gp
Upper Middle 7d4 x 10gp (1d4+2) x 10gp

3d6 x 10gp

Upper 9d4 x 10gp (1d4+3) x 10gp 4d6 x 10gp

   Priests start with 3d6 x 10gp and do not roll for either social class or special items.

Table 4: Special Items

Roll Special Item or effect
1 Roll again using next highest die (d6 becomes a d10)

Bonus Roll on Moneys Table - add one die (ie: Warrior is +1d4, Mages is +1d4+x, Rogues is +1d6).


Bonus roll. Roll two more times, ignoring this entry on subsequent rolls.


Heirloom. Roll on an art objects table. Value of the object is 1d6 x 100 GP


Roll again using next highest die


Small land plot (1d4 acres)


Valued item appropriate to class (Charger steed for Cavaliers, Very Rare Spell for Wizards, Non Magical)


Bonus Roll on the Moneys Table - add two dices (ie +2d4, +2d4+x2, +2d6).


Bonus roll. Roll two more times, ignoring this entry on subsequent rolls


Roll Again using next highest die


Bonus Roll on Moneys Table - add three dices (ie +3d4, +3d4+x3, +3d6).


Art object which is worth 1d12 x 100 gold pieces. It is an heirloom


Weapon of Quality


Roll on Moneys table is multiplied by 100 rather than 10


Magic Item

Player Character Living Expenses (or Monthly uphold)

Table 22 in DMG

Lifestyle Cost / Month Benefits / Disadvantages
Squalid / Lower 3gp No chance of being robbed. No authority respect.
Poor / Lower Middle 5gp Little chance of being involved in brawls. Authorities have little or no respect for these.
Middle Class / Upper Middle 50gp larger chance of being spotted as a target for robbery. Authorities treat these better.
Wealthy / Upper Class 200gp

Big chance for being robbed. Authorities have great respect for this Class.

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