An Amazing Vacation Coincidence!

     How about this coincidence.  This is a true story which I can verify.  You may edit this story anyway you please since I am horrible at portraying events.

     My family and I take many vacations and decided for our 1999 vacation we would set out for Coure d'Lene, Idaho. We traveled a great distance and finally arrived in Kansas which became the halfway point of our trip.

     We awoke early and began driving through the dry desert-like regions of Kansas which by location can be characterized as the middle of nowhere.  There were no vehicles on this road so we felt safe to take a slower pace and enjoy the scenery.

     Part of the way down the road however we encountered an 18-wheeler which through the rear-view mirror seemed to be closing in on our car at an extremelyHavin' fun on vacation! high rate of speed.  Not able to pass us due to the road being too narrow he became determined to aggressively push us off the side of the road.  After he bumped our vehicle we decided to pull off the road and let him pass us but not until we were able to make note of the company for which he worked for and the major bend in his bumper.

     Being that he was traveling at such a fast speed we were unable to get any information other than the name of the company and were unable to follow his direction.  Since we wanted to enjoy our trip thereafter we decided not to bother with police involvement and the trouble of having to locate the company so we left the incident alone and began our journey to Colorado.

     Several days following the ordeal we produced good time and left Colorado arriving in Wyoming in just 2 days and decided to take the scenic country highway to our destination.  Several miles down the road we decided to find the closest town so we can get some gas and something to eat.

     We kept going until we saw a sign which stated that the closest town was several miles ahead and then several miles down another road.  We reluctantly decided this may be the last chance we get before we run out of gas and headed towards this small town not sure what this town may have to offer.  We arrived at the area and found the local Burger King to be the only place which was worth stopping at.

     We came upon the drive-thru to place our order and my mother being curious made a slight glance at the company which was across the street.  It turned out to be the exact name of the company for which the truck driver who had hit our vehicle belonged to.  In shock we decided that we should take advantage of the situation and initiate our complaint.

    We went inside and through talking with the supervisor learned this was the only location of this company and that the truck we identified fit the exact description of a truck which belonged to an employee who had previous complaints sent through the police on behalf of his driving.

     We could not have mistaken the name because we wrote it down in a diary days before arriving at the business and had it on a piece of paper and the trucks parked outside matched that of the truck we saw.  We never found out what happened to the truck driver but at least we know we were provided the opportunity to bring justice to a dangerous and often not reported occurrence of aggressive truck drivers.

From a site visitor:  Thanks
