Dream of Crucifixion
Sent in by a Guest

Here's a rather disturbing dream that I had a while back, and I recorded it at the time:

     Alright, it starts out, and I'm at the top of this hill, unconscious, and I wake into consciousness. I look down, and I can see this town.  It's like Cumberland, but there were no specific landmarks to tell. The town is on fire in places and there are people running around burning and dying and falling to the ground and burning fire everywhere, lava flowing in a main street. 

     I look at where I am, and I'm standing on a hill, next thing I know, I'm nailed to a cross it's extreme pain and I figure, I control my dreams now, so why do I have to take this shit?  So with my mind, I remove the nails from my wrists, and they fall to the ground with a small thud I am surveying the damage to my body, I'm covered in blood, tears are running down my face I look to the sky, it is dark, there are dark clouds all around I hear thunder.  BAM!  

     I'm nailed to the cross again I cannot fight it this time and a voice comes down from the heavens saying "You cannot fight it this time".  I hang for another 15 minutes and am forced to watch the death and destruction of this powerless town all the while trying to remove the spikes to no avail then, I lose consciousness and wake up when I wake up, no alarm, it is the time my alarm is supposed to go off it is not set I set it the night before, I remember distinctly I walk past the mirror, and I'm covered in sweat, though the room is like 55 degrees I am not cold tears run down my face and have salt crystals forming on the tracts I'm wondering how the tears went down my face like that if I was laying horizontally

"It's not until we have lost everything that we are free to do anything" 

<Guest name>
