Dictionary Of Hypnosis Terms

Age regression Helping a hypnotized person remember events from earlier in this life.
Anticipation Part of the mystique of hypnotism.  If a person is properly prepared for the hypnotic experience, he will "expect" it to happen and it will.
Awakening Bringing a hypnotized person back to full consciousness.
Deepening A gentle patter designed to aid a hypnotized person to achieve a deeper state of sleep.
Hypnosis Altered state of consciousness.  Has been used in some form by holy men, medicine men, witch doctors, politicians, generals, and others since the dawn of man's conscious self.  Derived from the Greek word "Hypno" meaning sleep.
Mesmerism Derived from the name "Franz Anton Mesmer", who is generally considered to be the father of modern hypnotism.  To be "mesmerized" is to be entranced as in hypnotism.  Sometimes used to specify the "passing of the hands" over a person's body to hypnotize without speaking a word.
Operator Really bad term sometimes used to describe a hypnotist.
Patter Smooth, soft, rhythmical, chant-like voice used to relax or hypnotize someone.
Pre-natal age regression Helping a person remember events from lives prior to this one.
Relaxation Most effective way to guide a person into the altered state of consciousness.
Subject Person being hypnotized.  Sounds like someone being controlled which isn't true.  Should be a better word.
Suggestibility Tests A series of tests designed to determine the degree of suggestibility in potential hypnosis subjects.  More commonly used in group settings such as in the entertainment business.
